ATTACKONAMERICA.NET - SEPTEMBER 11TH -> blitzkrieg blundersStart A New Topic | Reply
Post InfoTOPIC: blitzkrieg blunders
Posted By: sadaam busch kuh-daffy

Posted On: Jul 5, 2003
Views: 333
blitzkrieg blunders

Well here we go again. The mad hatter is leading us into Africa now,but thats to be expected because both the Russians and the N.W.O. would love to get their meathooks on Afrikkka.The strategy is that the more loyal American soldiers we send to Bumfuk and other exotic places on our "freedom expedition",our motto being "We`ll make you free if it kills you;or us". This dictatorial strategy is great because it weakens and causes a vacuum here which the UNITED NAZIS,are more then happy to fill with Germans,Russians, British,Canadians,Chinese Communists,Mexican and other latin solderos,Cubans and Arabs. The Zionist Canaanites love keeping s*** stirred and the soldiers mentioned have no qualms about killing,raping,torturing,or robbing American citizens any more then the outlaw motorcycle gangs,prison gangs,Crips,Bloods,and the other assorted armed thugs that the feds have at their disposal,as allies. If America`s young people want to fight evil and protect America`s citizens then just stay home and arm yourselves;as you will get "your baptism by fire soon". Wake up Amerkanner Dumkopfs,ze nazis iz here,and you iz ze prey.