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Posted By: Cheenu

Posted On: Jul 7, 2006
Views: 488
There are lies, damn lies and statistics

Hello all,

The fact that this is an inside job and that the government (and army) knew about is as obvious a fact as is gravity or that humans need air.

Personally, I am glad to see the American public and citizens question their government in such manner on a such a prickly subject as 911. It was since THAT fatal day for world peace and democracy, that I have been telling all the people in my surroundings that this had to be an inside job, and that logic was seriously confounded by the overwhelming myriads of coincidences (or rather "security inefficiencies") required to have been able to pull this stunt off, that can only make one conclude that when there are so many coincidences, then it is no coincidence AT ALL.

However, in view of the survey whether the US gov't had prior knowledge or not, one must consider that the sample is most probably biased. This website and information is most probably accessed by those whose common sense seems baffled by the coincidences, bad luck, and other hair-raising questions left open by seemingly intelligent people (medias, 911 commission, FBI, CIA, NSA, etc.). Those (sheep or cowards, dare I say) who have been convinced that it is some CIA-trained monkey, sitting in a cave in Asia with rudimentary means, who concocted this evil deed which was planned and executed in such a way as to make any world-class Black Ops team look with admiration, will not be looking for such a site; and would most probably close the browser window in fear of looking at a dark reality the whole planet is facing: that we are being manipulated and used by a select handful few, for feeding their own frenzy for power and money.

I would be glad to see such a (anonymous; although with the new US laws, this would be difficult) survey being conducted nationwide, in order to confirm (or contradict, if the case be) what I believe to be true: that the majority of citizens of America are truly good-natured, peace loving people, who reject ALL the further atrocities brought about after 911 (in the name of preventing another such event), and that they finally realise that: (a) their governments' actions are bringing Americans a VERY BAD name and reputation worldwide; (b) that their government doesn't anymore represent the opinions and thoughts of the average American.


Posted By: Cheenu

Posted On: Sep 19, 2006
Views: 442
RE: There are lies, damn lies and statistics

The problem is this is a dialogue of the deaf.

Your perspective is as much "bullcrap" (to quote your words) to me as mine is to you. It is bizarre that you say my answer is going to be "It's bullsh**": are you casting the proverbial stone (i.e. what is the linguistic difference between bullcrap and bull****, as a postgrad student in psychology, I would be interested in your educated analysis of this).

I suggest you read 1984, Animal Farm by George Orwell, Brave New World by Aldous Huxley and Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury. Here's a sneak preview from 1984:

"To know and not to know, to be conscious of complete truthfulness while telling carefully constructed lies, to hold simultaneously two opinions which canceled out, knowing them to be contradictory and believing in both of them, to use logic against logic, to repudiate morality while laying claim to it, to believe that democracy was impossible and that the Party was the guardian of democracy, to forget, whatever it was necessary to forget, then to draw it back into memory again at the moment when it was needed, and then promptly to forget it again, and above all, to apply the same process to the process itself -- that was the ultimate subtlety; consciously to induce unconsciousness, and then, once again, to become unconscious of the act of hypnosis you had just performed. Even to understand the word 'doublethink' involved the use of doublethink."

If you're American, you're the one who's sitting with a pole in your rear end, and if you like it... so be it my friend.

Posted By: Cheenu

Posted On: Sep 19, 2006
Views: 441
RE: There are lies, damn lies and statistics

Btw dumbass,

I've spent quite some hours researching the whole gig. The difference is we, in Europe, have been given information the American pubic needs to go and look on "conspiracy websites" or do searches on Limewire/Azureus through mainstream media.

I'll trust my knowledge of physics and my military background (and contacts) to make my own judgement.

We'll most probably all be dead of old age, when like for JFK, we find out those "kooks" claiming conspiracy have been right all along. But who cares, as long as it is you who will be enslaved in a totalitarian state and not me.

Like the movie title goes: "Good night, and good luck".

Posted By: NoConspir

Posted On: Sep 27, 2006
Views: 438
RE: There are lies, damn lies and statistics

Hey Cheenu, your a retard.

1. For studying psychology. That makes you a moron. That is a total fake science.

2. There was no conspiracy.


Enjoy your life as a nobody, doing nothing for anyone as a "psychologist."

By the way, does that mean "study of the soul?" Why do you only harm humans and bodies and claim we have no souls then? Huh?


Posted By: Cheenu

Posted On: Sep 28, 2006
Views: 434
RE: There are lies, damn lies and statistics

Dear dodo,

I never claimed psychology was a science, although it is slowly gaining reputation as one. Actually, I'm specialising in a field of psychology.

Perhaps one day I will be able to explain (and give help) to people like you, although, as most alcoholics, one cannot be treated until they themselves realise they have a problem, which is not your case.

Keep up with the "doublethink", it's going to ruin your country's reputation and turn it into a dictatorship like never seen before.

I hope you're either working with Carlyle, Haliburton, Council of Foreign Relations, the military, police are a Jesuit or member of the Illuminati.

Actually the reason why I am studying the field of psychology is in order to see whether I can assist the different "organisations" in using psychological mechanisms to enslave and manipulate the dodos - like yourself - to achieve their goals a little faster. Like you might have guessed by now, I am a cynic, and I think people like you are going to get what they deserve. You're not innocent, you're ignorant.

Posted By: Cheenu

Posted On: Sep 28, 2006
Views: 433
RE: There are lies, damn lies and statistics

Btw uneducated, illetrate dodo,

Learn how to spell your own language properly. (Even though I am tri-lingual, neither of my parents are native English speakers). "your a retard" should be spelled "you're" a retard. Your is the possesive pronoun, "you're", is the abbreviation for 'you are', (i.e. you put the apostrophe in place of the missing letter).

Ciao conard, je te la mets la ou tu pense... Mais j'ai pas de temps a perdre avec un pecor.

Posted By: Cheenu

Posted On: Sep 28, 2006
Views: 432
RE: There are lies, damn lies and statistics

Furthermore, I think you are slightly confused over the difference between psychologists and psychiatrists.

Bit of pent up feelings there, a "bad experience" that pinches you (didja get locked up as a schizophrenic?), poor little baby...

Study of the soul. What do you think I am? A scientologist?



Posted By: NoConspir

Posted On: Sep 28, 2006
Views: 427
RE: There are lies, damn lies and statistics

Let me start off by saying that I don't care if I am making typing or grammatical errors when speaking to such boobs as yourself.

Also, if you knew anything, at all, you'd know psychology is a word meaning "psycho", meaning "soul", and "ology", meaning study of.

If all you want to do with this fake science is brainwash people, then you sir are ignorant, you sir are an evil person.

Psychiatry and Psychology have killed more people in this century then any of our wars combined.

Do us all a favor, and end your little life with a suicide bomb into the puesdo-sceince capital you call psychology/psychiatry.

I find your obsessive need to post and prove me wrong disturbing. Perhaps you should look at yourself as a possible candidate for being zombified by a "Psychologist, master of healing people."


Freud was a coke addict.

Enough said.

Posted By: NoConspir

Posted On: Sep 28, 2006
Views: 426
RE: There are lies, damn lies and statistics

"Psyche" not "Psycho", my bad. That title is reserved for you Cheenu.

Posted By: Conspir

Posted On: Sep 28, 2006
Views: 424
RE: There are lies, damn lies and statistics

Oh yeah and "BTW", next time you call me illiterate, please make sure you can spell it. Thanks psycho.

Posted By: max

Posted On: Oct 8, 2006
Views: 413
RE: RE: There are lies, damn lies and statistics

holy smoke NoConspir, where did you get your information from? Official Reports? The 9/11 Omission Comission that doesn't mention the WTC7 being demolished(he said it publicly) by its owner in a couple of hours(control demolition takes more than a couple hours by the way)? your devient governement?

When will you realize that your governement is as much implicated than the USA one in all this, as much as mine(Canada). It was so obvious that it was an inside job that nobody even notice it. The thought of something so important happening is scary but true.

In one of these videos, you can actually see Thermite(3000 degree celcius burning powder) on work on the TT steel frame before it collapse.

Here is one of my source :