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Posted By: Zachary Mishoe

Posted On: Oct 19, 2004
Views: 540
college students come forward

I am the news editor for my college newspaper, and do a damn good job, I might add. My question is why is it that so many people smoke, but hesitate to even touch on the topic? If more young people would come forward America would begin moving in the direction of more sensible drug laws.

Posted By: Nathaniel K Hooker

Posted On: Nov 1, 2004
Views: 481
RE: college students come forward

I completely agree with you, the only thing holding back new more sensible laws are our own voices as a whole. We as a group (those who agree that the current war on drugs is an un-accomplishable idea spawned form a lack of economical thought or any rational thinking), need to rise and let ourselves be known. Why do we shy off when someone asks us if we smoke weed, however if someone asks you if you got drunk the other night we openly confess. The only way we are going to take the power away from those drug cartels, who have so much power (power equals money, therefore money equals power), is to legalize the use of marijuana in the private sector (house and certain business). We have so much power that we do not recognize, why do you think we are established as a small minority by the government. They don’t want us to know how strong we are. We as a united group have as much power as another lobbied group (NRA), we just have to all come together, either by internet or postal mailing. Once we come together are voices will be heard by those in government (senator’s congressmen). If any one has any ideas of how this can be done please let others know. I would like to also know your ideas because, I know that two voices are better then one, and if we can get two voices what is stopping us from 3,4,5, 100 voices. We have always had the power, lets use it.

