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Posted By: ASG

Posted On: Jun 23, 2008
Views: 404
Potheads Lament: they suck

Flat out, if you use illegal drugs for recreational purposes on a regualr basis, that makes you a piece of trash in my book. I’m going to stick strictly to the pot smokers for this rant, since you are the ones who really disgust me.

I can pretty much look at a person and tell you if they smoke weed or not. The signs are usually pretty obvious, whether it’s how they dress, talk, their personality, the fact that any job that does drug testing is considered a bad career move to them. I just know a pothead when I see one. You people are pathetic. I knew a lot of people that did this crap. You know why I never did it? Because I saw what they were and never wanted to be like that. Plus I like having money in my pocket. What kind of dumbass spends $50 or more for a little bag of grass? What a fuc_king dumbass. How much more money would you have if you didn’t participate in such trashbag activities? Especially when you probably have 3 illegitimate kids you probably aren’t taking care of. You piece of trash loser.

And is your life that crappy that you need drugs to have a good time or feel good? Is getting high the only thing that gives you enjoyment? Is alcohol not enough? I know you might be living in a rundown trailer because you couldn’t get your GED and moving couches for a living will be the pinnacle of your career, but there are more constructive things to do than sit around smoking weed with that guy who is always wearing that cheap gold chain and a T shirt 4 sizes to big who you think lives around the corner, but you aren’t exactly sure. You just know he shows up whenever he smells pot.

I hope to god they never legalize marijuana. And if they ever do, they better also make it legal to beat dirty hippies in the head with a baseball bat. Only then would I be content with the legalization of this nasty shi_t. That would almost be an even trade.

Almost forgot. Have you ever heard a jackass talk about how weed is good for you? Just shut the fu_ck up right now doctor. I’ll remember that next time I want my eyes to be bloodshot and not be able to remember my address. Newsflash retards! Inhaling any form of smoke into your lungs never has been and never will be considered healthy by any standard. Just keep telling yourself that you are doing your body a service by DOING DRUGS.

I have no problem with having everyone in favor of legalized marijuana thrown off a cliff. I’d be just fine without these wastes of space.

