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Posted By: Tracerman

Posted On: Jul 5, 2008
Views: 381
Pot heads and pill popping morons

Pot heads and pill popping morons. I truly hate these pathetic creatures that are truly a waste of genetic material. And before any of the afore-mentioned loons proclaim me a right-wing asshole conservative, I just want to say I'm not. I am a liberal who believes in fiscal conservatism and frowns on using chemicals that eat away at your brains.

Back to the subject at hand, let's start with "Pot heads." I hate these losers mainly for the reasons they give for using marijuana. "I'm stressed out and need to chill." **** you, you weak willed bastard. I'm so sick of running into these assholes who rely on this substance to get through the day. How stressful is everyday life? You have to study for tests, and do homework, and work at a part time job, oh poor you. Grow the **** up, and quit complaining.

Oh, and the really obnoxious drug user is the pill popper! Oh, these bastards have a special place in my heart, which wants them to die! Not every problem requires a pill! While I do acknowledge that certain conditions can be helped by a pill, it seems to me that more and more kids are being put on medication that solves problems that could be solved by a little attention from the kid's lazy parents. ADD is not a horrendous problem if you make sure your kid is doing his damn job! Unless the voices he hears are telling him to light things on fire, let him keep the voices! People have survived for centuries without reprogramming themselves with pills.

And the mysterious new pills that help you lose weight! God, how lazy have we gotten? You overeat, get fat, and become sad. But rather than trying to better yourself, here is this pill that will eat away those unsightly pounds, as long as you are willing to put up with some crazy as hell side affects. I'm sorry, but "rectal bleeding" should not happen after ingesting a pill to HELP you!

For all I have said, nobody will listen to me. The Pot heads will talk about how wrong I am while smoking out, and the pill poppers will get nervous and down a few purple pills, to make everything better. All I can say, is that these people are why I have little to no respect for the common man. Because the common man is taking a pill to help themselves lose weight, but it makes him nervous so he smokes out, and gets the munchies, thus fueling their need for the weight loss pill. I say, let them all smoke out their lungs, and pop their pills until they look like an Ethiopian child on a bad hair day, then watch 'em crumble away!

Posted By: Senator Larry Craig

Posted On: Jul 6, 2008
Views: 329
RE: Pot heads and pill popping morons


