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Posted By: Cops Season Finale Tonight !

Posted On: Aug 2, 2008
Views: 467
Watch dopers getting hauled off to jail !

Deputy Angel Artola of the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office conducts a traffic stop on a vehicle where the passenger was observed possibly rolling up a marijuana cigarette. The deputy smells marijuana in the vehicle and decides to search the vehicle with that probable cause. The female driver does admit to smoking marijuana in the vehicle – but not tonight. The search turns up a package of syringes and an unmarked pill bottle containing what appears to be Oxycotin. The driver claims no knowledge of the pill or the syringes but points to the person seated in the area as the most likely owner. After speaking with the male suspect that was in that seat, the man produces a prescription bottle with his name on it that contains the exact same medication found in the unmarked bottle – which is a criminal charge. He also fails to notify the arresting deputy that he has a needle in his pocket. When the suspect realizes he is going to jail, he pleads with the other occupants of the vehicle to claim ownership of the pill bottle, but his friends tell him he needs to get help for his addiction.

