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Post InfoTOPIC: "Medical Marijuana" Scam
Posted By: MMJ

Posted On: May 22, 2009
Views: 363
"Medical Marijuana" Scam

"Medical Marijuana" is a scam in full exploitation mode in California now, as quacks open storefronts to deliver the goods at the drop of the term 'anxiety'.

Some people * out here * have suggested that it is OK to sell pot to children, mainly because they probably smoke pot all the time and get their infant children, cats and dogs 'high'.

You know who you are.

Chronic pot smokers are, in my experience, an uncreative, immature, uninformed lot of complainers whose strongest assets are their hypocrisy, knowledge of different types of baggies, and strong opinions on the details of how pot should be doled out by for 'health' purposes.

Pot smokers are generally losers and underachievers, who would rather hang around with a bunch of stoned idiots talking about how uncool it is that "pot's not legal, man" and how it's "bogus, man".

If you smoked pot when you were in high school or college, that's fine. Most people lose interest in it by 21 or so. But the truly retarded people continue well into adulthood.

Nothing sadder than a 35 year old pot smoking retard

