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Posted By: scarfdalek

Posted On: Feb 23, 2004
Views: 1035

Final Fantasy VII is majorly overrated. Cloud goes from not caring to gung-ho in ten minutes, and lots of bits are just silly. A good final fantasy, but the best? No. And why the low placing of Final Fantasy IX?

Posted By: Crowmagnum

Posted On: Feb 27, 2004
Views: 1026
RE: why?

Yes Cloud goes from not caring to "Gung Ho" in the story but then if you look in FFVIII Squall goes from being shy and unresponsive to "Gung Ho" and if you look at lots of RPG's they have some type of charater quirk just like cloud and squall.

Posted By: The man

Posted On: Apr 9, 2004
Views: 1004

Yeah but Cloud has no reason to go .....um....whatever you call it. Squall went like that cause he found out he actually cared for Rinoa (disc 3 i might add) Where as theres no reason for Cloud to. Cloud was supposed to be similar to Squall but in about an hour of the game hes all weird and saying nice stuff to people like hes Zidane or something.....a cold man he is not. And yes i think FF7 is way over rated too. Its good.....but not as good as what everyone says. I much prefer FF8.

Posted By: snesly

Posted On: Jul 31, 2005
Views: 838
RE: why?

yes i agree that it is overrated becuz it was the first lushed graphic final fantasy but it was good and GUNG HOE WTF when i his never like a tree hugging suma bitch he be like ever main character. its a story he just follows the other characters and saves the planet i think it is better the ff8 also and i really like ff9 better the ff7 becuz it went back to being a fantasy and ff7 and ff8 where kinda milatiry kinda lookin games


RPG Classics