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Posted By: Abm"med, as prophesied in Rev:11

Posted On: Sep 22, 2002
Views: 794
False accusations

Have any of you who accuse Islam of evil, being misguided, or other such wrongdoings must try to deepen your understanding of the religion. Have any of you ever even READ the Qu'aran? It follows the same path as our bible. I admit that their beleif that christ is NOT equal to Yahweh is wrong, but that does not make Muslims evil. They worship Mirriam (Mary) the same way Catholics do, they love Yeshuah (Jesus) as a great prophet the same way we christians do, and they are VERY religious and reverant. Christianity has lost this element of reverence. Our governments have lost religion, and are therefor condemed to fail.
I have had muslim friends, who are wonderful people, who would never commit acts of terrorism or hate.
I think those of you that say muslims are evil say so because of the Terror Attacks. But the men that commited these attacks are NOT muslims. They use islam as a sheild to hide their evil behind.
Take a look at Ireland, and Ulster. There are people there that are christians like us, and are violent. Does that make christianity an evil religion? NO!!
If after reading this you still beleive Islam itself it evil, you are to suffer your own judgements.
Abm'med, the witness of Yaweh, as prophecies in Rev:11
PS I am not a muslim


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