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Post InfoTOPIC: Restore
Posted By: Jamie Forbush

Posted On: May 30, 2002
Views: 341

I feel strong about a restoration of the original towers and other surrounding buildings. It’s the right thing to do. I’ve heard some people say it would be a sad reminder for the people who lost loved ones, or that it would be too dangerous. I don’t believe that for one second. First of all, where's our Faith, Determination, and American spirit? Where’s our will to go on? Where’s our trust in God? To me, a restoration of what was lost, is a symbol of the fact that America will heal, America will go on. As for a memorial, I feel there should be a memorial between tower 1 & 2 with the names of all those who lost their lives engraved. A statue of the fire fighters raising the American flag should be placed there as well. This ground with the new restored buildings should always be considered a reverent and hallowed ground. We owe it to the people who lost their lives. There is no need for bigger, better or different buildings. This ground needs to be restored as it was before evil people attacked it.


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