Post InfoTOPIC: Zero Factor
Posted By: Nadienne

Posted On: Jan 14, 2004
Views: 4290
Zero Factor

Ah, but you see? Bush wasn't elected in 2000. Therefore, he won't die in office.

Posted By: Andy Lawrence

Posted On: Feb 5, 2004
Views: 4255
RE: Zero Factor

You people are a joke. You should really learn how an election works. Electoral votes are like runs, and the popular vote are like hits (in baseball). In fact George would have won the popular vote if Gore and his busload of lawyers hadn't blocked the military votes!
Bush will be re-elected, and you will have another four years to whine about it!
What kind of peace-loving people hold a poll asking if "Bush will die in office?" You are sickos.

Posted By: Barry

Posted On: Mar 26, 2004
Views: 4193
RE: Zero Factor

Nadine duhh... Bush was elected in 2000 and took office in 2001

Posted By: Barry

Posted On: Mar 26, 2004
Views: 4191
RE: Zero Factor

Andy duhhh. Gore won the popular vote by a margin of about 336,000 votes.

What are you kids doing in school? learning to be delinquents?

Posted By: bushbasher

Posted On: May 4, 2004
Views: 4114
RE: Zero Factor

Don't much care whether bush lives or dies, just so long as he is no longer a squatter in the White House...

Posted By: Aaron

Posted On: May 4, 2004
Views: 4112
RE: Zero Factor

Ahhh I love the way this bushbasher talks! ...
Man I can't see living with this four more years. I'm going straight to Canada if Bush "wins" again. :-D

Posted By: PaulB

Posted On: Jun 29, 2004
Views: 4001
RE: Zero Factor

To Barry --

Duh.....the Presidents died after being elected in YEARS ENDING WITH 0 (Reagan being the only survivor of this curse).

And to the man who referred to us interested in the Zero Factor as "sickos". Man, this is American history we're talking about here. Not some sort of Voodoo hex. It's a strange, fascinating phenomenon, nothing more. And if we're "sickos" what are YOU doing here reading about it? Me thinks thou dos't protest too much.

Though I disagree strongly with most of what Dubya has done in his term, I believe the WORST possible thing would be for him to die in office. Whether it be by natural causes or God forbid, assassination.


Posted By: Claire

Posted On: Jul 14, 2004
Views: 3974
RE: Zero Factor

Now THERE'S a scary thought: Cheney taking over, after Bush bites it. Ewwwwwwww!!!!

Posted By: michele moore

Posted On: Oct 11, 2004
Views: 3874
RE: Zero Factor

cheney is the brains behind bush so bascicly it would be the same. gore should have one then we wouldn't be wasting tax-payers money on a completly pointless war that thus far has one driving force the fact that bush wants to clean up after daddy. we need to make our forieng relations better before we lose ALL our allies and what little forgien aid we have.

Posted By: Dubhbairn

Posted On: Dec 1, 2004
Views: 3764
RE: Zero Factor

Andy wrote: "You should really learn how an election works. Electoral votes are like runs, and the popular vote are like hits."

Hahaha!... THAT's a good analogy...(gfaw!)

Electoral college works by counting ANY AND ALL votes in a state to turn to the opposite sides vote, and jerrymandering takes place. IE: Areas of population voting 1X/2Y, 1X/2Y, 1X/2Y, and 8X/0Y votes, the score gets COUNTED as 8X vs 9Y votes after they are tallied and reversed in the AREA for the popular winner.

Y still WINS even though X got 11 real votes vs Y getting only 6!

If it were like that in baseball, you'd see which team got the most runs in an inning and take them away from the loser and give the runs to the winner as if THEY made the runs... That way the score would mean NOTHING and you could still win by needing only half the runs of the other teams actual score to win...

Wouldnt that be fair???... hahahah...

Andy wrote: "asking if 'Bush will die in office?' You are sickos."

No Andy, YOU are the sicko, becuase you don't even THINK about the people Bush will kill because of his Holy WAR on morals and terror.

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal...unless of course we want to change their vote to the popular votes count in his/her state. And if you vote for a third party? you get NO vote tallied in the end. ALL of your votes WILL go to another candidate...

Equal? no.... Fair? no.... An election works like a baseball game? haha Sorry... Now go back to school and count the bodies that pile up over a war about oil while the REAL terrorists live half a world away from the conflict.

Posted By: Mithrall

Posted On: Nov 8, 2005
Views: 3557
RE: Zero Factor

I think baseball is an excellent analogy for the way our presidential election turned out, but he forgot to mention errors and unearned runs. There were a ton of those and the umps really need to get some glasses.

Posted By: Biteme Iamtoxic

Posted On: Jul 14, 2006
Views: 3443
RE: Zero Factor

At least we have umps and we can agree they may need glasses. If we left it up to the liberals they would call the game and they would give it to the underdog. No, wait, popularly that would be Bush. Guess how many liberals just became believers in the Electoral Process?

Posted By: JEFF

Posted On: Feb 12, 2011
Views: 2194
RE: RE: Zero Factor

*(Remember it is an indian curse & it started with the man who attacked that tribe, not at the beginning of the USA.)
Neither George W. Bush or Al Gore were Scorpios, it would have had to be a Scorpio running that year, in 2000, to trigger the factor; like, maybe, Hillary Clinton.
Check it out, all these presidents were on the cusp of or were born under the signs of Aquarius & Scorpio. And the died in order, Aquarius, Scorpio, Aquarius, Scorpio, Aquarius, etc., until John Kennedy; who should have been a Scorpio; but was not.
John Kennedy had strong Gemini influences, the sign of the twin, he died in office & his brother, the Scorpio, Bobby, died running for the same seat.
So, if Bobby filled the bill for the 0-factor Scorpio then the next one, in 1980, would have to be an Aquarius. Ronald Reagan was the only Aquarius running for the 1980 election year.
I made some extra $$$ on that election.
The factor is broken/gone, but it may not be foregotten forever. Nancy Reagon fought fire with fire & won. Reagan took a bullet but Nancy saved his life.
NOTE: The first 2 official Presedents of the USA were, in order, Aquarius, Scorpio.

Posted By: Nguyễn đăng Thông

Posted On: Jun 5, 2013
Views: 1356
RE: Zero Factor

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