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Posted By: Jeff Nartens-Koop

Posted On: Oct 8, 2002
Views: 1068
permanent moonbase

okay here is the thing: I finally figured out how I'm going to get to the moon:

when the set up a permanent moonbase with all sorts of PhD's and research scientists, they are going to need someone to clean toilets and empty trash cans as well as mop up and keep the place clean... obviously Mr PhD isn't going to want that lowly task, so I humbly submit my resume for the position.

in my spare time, I will take some flourescant paint and draw a happy face on the moon 7,000KM in diameter, so that everyone will know and believe that I am there.

Posted By: Jeff Martens-Koop

Posted On: Oct 8, 2002
Views: 1067
RE: permanent moonbase

(shows how intelligent I am: put a typo on my own name...)

read a Heinlein novel recently where they land on the moon only to discover a forgotten Nazi bass already there... (I think the story was written in the 50's)

it really really is a shame that no one has gone back to the moon... deep down in my heart, I believe that if they had continued the effort, they would surely have found at least a marginally cheaper way to keep it up.

is the hard part getting to orbit? or escaping orbit? man I wish we could go back!!!


Posted By: Keith Mayes

Posted On: Oct 9, 2002
Views: 1065
RE: permanent moonbase

I think you are being a little over ambitious with your idea of painting a 7000 km diameter face on the moon, that's twice the diameter of the moon itself, so we wouldn't be able to see it all without going into lunar orbit.
The hard part of getting there isn't getting into earth orbit, that's relatively easy, it isn't even leaving earth orbit, that's relatively easy, its having the will to do it. After that its all down to costs.....

Posted By: jeff martens-koop

Posted On: Oct 9, 2002
Views: 1057
RE: permanent moonbase

yeah... I admit, I don't know the figures that well... (but the idea goes back to another heinlein story where a character proposed putting the 7up logo on the moon as an advertisement... 7+ was the drinks name, but its pretty obvious what he was getting at)

does anyone know how instrumental the work of German scientists and war-gained secrets was to the apollo project? I remember hearing that the americans had a whole bunch of german scientists go to work for them after the war... or is that just rumour?

I also read a link on your site which talks about the length of time the astronauts spent in the Van Allen belt... does anyone know how long (in minutes or hours) the rockets were firing to achieve the escape velocity? (from liftoff to coasting) also, would they have had to fire deceleration rockets at an equal rate? (I suppose that if they never came to a complete stop, they wouldn't have had to...) did they use deceleration engines at all? or did they enter the moons orbit and get caught without the need to alter their speed?

do I recall reading somewhere that people could actually see this from a hawaii observatory? or at least part of it?

(sorry if this is all off topic, but part of me feels that maybe all the comments don't need to be argumentative -or do they?)


Posted By: Bart

Posted On: Feb 21, 2003
Views: 976
RE: permanent moonbase

'Permanent Moon base'?

Are you high on crack-cocaine?
They gotta get to the Moon first,dummy.

Posted By: we did 2 go to the moon

Posted On: Feb 22, 2003
Views: 973
Re: Bart

they did go to the moon. or if they didn't, you have yet to explain 450kg of moon rock!

And while you're at it, explain this: why hasn't any other scientist noticed it before? are you supersmart or something?

In "Encyclopedia of Physical Science and Technology Vol 7, Io-Mec", on pages 460-461, Arden L. Albee of the California Institute of Technology writes, "Between 1959 and 1976 the United States and Soviet Union dispatched more than 40 spacecraft missions to explore the moon. These missions (both unmanned and manned) photographed and sensed the moon remotely from orbit, landed and established stations and instruments on the surface, roved across the surface in wheeled and tracked vehicles, drilled holes to collect samples and make measurements, and collected and returned almost 400kg of rock and soil for detailed study in terrestrial labrotories."

Detailed study - explain why it's fake then!

Further more, "Hundreds of scientists from many countries and many disciplines have been studying the samples, photographs, and instrumental data returned from the moon by the Apollo and Luna programs."

How is it that David Percy, Bart Sibrel (who has been arrested before) and David Kaysing and Ralph Rene just put forth their own theories, completely ignoring the study that these hundreds of scientists have put in!

Posted By: Lofty

Posted On: Feb 22, 2003
Views: 970
RE: permanent moonbase

The answer to that one is simple. They are all as brain damaged as Bart Hess, that's how they manage to avoid facts.

Posted By: Bart

Posted On: Feb 26, 2003
Views: 962
RE: permanent moonbase

Your'e right.Since Bart Sibrel was supposedly "arrested" that means we went to the moon.
What does it mean if Bart Sibrel gets punched by an astro-NOT or two?


Theories with Problems