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Posted By: Martin

Posted On: Jan 28, 2003
Views: 941
Simple Physics

Take one lift-generating wing and strap to one engine, one propeller, put one person on top and you have an Aeroplane. If the Wright brothers were the only ones to ever do that and only did it 6 times back in 1904 how many idiots would now be saying it was a hoax and they were too primitive back then to do it?

The moon is just a giant piece of rock. All you need is a presurised tin box to sit in to get there. To push the tin box out of Earths gravity you use a large rocket. Simple Physics.

An average car now has more computing power than the first Space Shuttle. Anyone want to call that thing a hoax as well? Thought not.

The reason why they didn't go back is they weren't using the best method in the first place. NASA took the quickest option. Bloody Big Expensive Rockets. Each one costing Billions. They knew it would cost too much in the long run but JFK wanted it done in ten years. Not the 20-30 years it will have taken to build the International Space Station and use as a go-between to get there easily. (which is what they'll eventually do).

Am I wrong?

Posted By: Keith Mayes

Posted On: Jan 28, 2003
Views: 937
RE: Simple Physics

Hi Martin,
You are not wrong, you are absolutely correct in what you say, including why we have not returned to the Moon. The Apollo programme used a "one time" delivery system for each mission, which was unbelievably expensive, but as you say, was the only option that could be achieved within Kennedy's time frame.
Anyone wanting more info can read my page "The journey to the Moon"


Theories with Problems