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Post InfoTOPIC: I despair at your stupidity
Posted By: Keith Mayes

Posted On: Feb 20, 2003
Views: 960
I despair at your stupidity

When I tell you about some of the emails I receive from hoax believers, I expect some of you don't believe me. You will think that nobody, not even a hoax believer, could possibly be THAT stupid!
Even the extracts that I have published may not have convinced you.
You have all been very fortunate this time because one hoax believer, Bart Hess, has carried out all his correspondence on this message board, so you can check it out for yourself.
Bart has said:-
1) NASA murdered the Columbia shuttle crew 'as a diversion'
2) Why don't the stars show in the photographs? (You see! I TOLD you they still keep asking that one, unbelievable!)
3) The spacesuits couldn't work, they couldn't control the temperature or move about in them. Bart is at a loss to explain how they work perfectly well in Earth orbit but couldn't possibly work on the Moon!
4) The films would not work on the Moon and "even Kodak say its baloney". When I gave Bart the URL of Kodak where they describe in a lot of detail the camera and film used by the Apollo 11 crew ON THE MOON, he replies with a Kodak warning to keep film away from hospital X-rays! Unbelievable!
5) All the astronaut pictures are too perfect and too well ligned up, they did not have a viewfinder! Bart obviously does not understand darkroom procedures, such as cropping a photo!
6) "How could they change lenses and filters with those gloves on?" Bart has somehow got this crazy idea into his head that the astronauts claim to have done this! Weird or what?

You see what I mean, the stupidity just goes on and on. I have now reached the point where I simply cannot be bothered to deal with this idiot any more, I'm sure it could lead to insanity dealing with people like this. The funny thing is, Bart will say "Keith Mayes refuses to answer my questions" as though that means I have no answer!
This trick is used a lot by hoax believers, they drive NASA crazy with their juvenile, idiotic and endless questions, then eventually when NASA give up in despair they say "NASA refuses to answer Bart Sibrel's question" Yeah, right.

Talking to an idiot is not a lot of fun, it becomes very tiresome, even a halfway decent argument might make it interesting for a few seconds.

Now you see what I mean. When I get similar emails from hoax believers I tend not to bother to answer them, because this is always what happens. The stupidity just goes on and on and on and on and on.............And they NEVER understand the answers! (or pretend not to, they just do what Bart does, and ask another.....)

Posted By: Martin

Posted On: Feb 20, 2003
Views: 953
RE: I despair at your stupidity

You will always get idiots in an argument just there for the satisfaction of winding someone up. I fear from reading your message you may be dealing with one such 'windup merchent'. But maybe that's because I find it hard to believe anyone could be that stupid. I haven't read his messages but something tells me I have better things to do. Don't let the b****ds get you down!

Posted By: Keith Mayes

Posted On: Feb 20, 2003
Views: 951
RE: I despair at your stupidity

Hi Martin,
Thanks for your comment, it's nice to be reminded that there are lots of normal, sensible people about. Dealing with so many idiots can make me loose track of that sometimes.
I persisted with this only because it was carried out on the message board, and therefore available for all to see.
It was just to make my point that hoax believers are unbelievably stupid.

Posted By: Mike

Posted On: Jun 18, 2003
Views: 898
RE: I despair at your stupidity

I believe probably 95% of the reason why the hoax believers will keep believing, is that they do not bother to even read the evidence from the otherside. They just skim over pages and pages of hardcore, down-to-earth, logical and scientific evidence, and when some other idiot comes up with a non-logical form of evidence to refute it, that is all the magic they need to keep believing. They see some moron who payed for a site and posted a bunch of his crazy, illogical and ridiculous BS about this subject... and they think "WOW! He has a website...the graphics looks nice!! He must know what he's talking about!! I believe him!"

It's ignorance of the masses and it feeds on itself.

PEOPLE: PLEASE understand that ANY IDIOT WITH A COMPUTER AND $40 A MONTH can make a pretty webpage- but I'll tell you what, not many of them can produce quality content. The "hills are dancing" page is just FLAT-OUT ridiculous, and YES, I read the whole thing. Not ONE claim there seemed the tiniest bit legitimate to me. NOT ONE.

What Keith has done here makes complete sense- there are no loose ends, or iffy explanations- they are ALL fact, and they ALL undeniably refute any piece of BS you can go see at some of these hoax sites.

If you don't believe Kieth, try doing all of the same work for yourself! Call up some experts on these subjects, I'm sure they'll inform you the same that they did him! Or are you too lazy? Just keep believing guys... real smart.

Posted By: we did 2 go to the moon!

Posted On: Jul 9, 2003
Views: 893
RE: I despair at your stupidity

I'd like to add that an argument with Carl Rolfe is a thousand times more interesting than one with Bart Hess. Both have serious misconceptions and are, well, wrong in my opinion, but Carl argues against a theory,not an event. And half the fun is discerning what those meaningless jumble of words he says means.

Nice to see Bart has dropped out of this nmessage board.

Anyway, you don't need 40 dollars a month. You can use a cheaper Internet Service Provider - maybe even free - and find a free webhost.


Theories with Problems