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Posted By: we did 2 go to the moon!

Posted On: Jun 2, 2003
Views: 944
And this is just the beginning!

There are people who (hard as it may be to imagine)STILL believe we didn't go to the moon. I'll leave Keith to tangle over that in the rest of the poll.

This is just the beginning. It gets worse.

There are people who I thought could tell me with a straight face that the earth was square. Later I found out they weren't kidding, either. Something because "the bible says so" "science evil!" and "God is perfect..."

Then there's C.Rolfe valiantly denying that he or anybody else has any free will. Well that's for sure, we all knew his mind couldn't change direction.

And then there are those who call Einstein an idiot and try to come up with their own theories to replace his...

And if I thought Bart Hess was stupid...
That doesn't mean we should just give up trying to explain, does it?


Theories with Problems