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Post InfoTOPIC: non believer
Posted By: Jamie D

Posted On: Jun 24, 2003
Views: 1011
non believer

i dont believe that we were ever on the moon, lal your evidence aginst the hoaxers was very good, but i dont trust humans, and all lies the government tells us, what is the deal with area 51 anyway?

the govenrment lies nasa lies all humans lie,
the russians know when to keep thier mouth shut, theres secret millitary installations in space ready to destroy the world and the russians didnt want to be first to die

just a conspiriacy, i thought it up alone now hurry up and tell me how much smarter then me you are, how im a five year old.

dont forget to mention you have a closed mind...

Posted By: Lofty

Posted On: Jul 2, 2003
Views: 999
RE: RE: non believer

You say all humans lie.
Therefore everything you have posted must be a lie.
So why bother? Unless of couse you are not human, which would help explain your odd posting.

Posted By: we did 2 go to the moon

Posted On: Jul 9, 2003
Views: 990
RE: non believer

Words cannot express the sheer madness of what I am feeling towards idiots like you right now.

Judging from what you have said, an impression can be easily formed. A loser. Idiot who knows nothing about what she/he is talking about. Anti-government, anti-science, anti-math. Moron. Hippy who lies in the grass and smokes weed all day. Loser.

Um. I should stop now.

Posted By: we did 2 go to the moon

Posted On: Jul 9, 2003
Views: 989
RE: non believer

might I also add that you are not nearly qualified to describe Russian government motives and that you are a total friggin idiot and that something you thought up by yourself is not enough to throw out what every respected scientist in the world fully believes?


Theories with Problems