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Post InfoTOPIC: It's me, standing on the moon!
Posted By: Just wondering

Posted On: Nov 26, 2003
Views: 1084
It's me, standing on the moon!

I am not sure about the moon landings one way or the other, so could you answer this for me please.
Would it not have been possible to send a tape recording to the surface of the moon, that could be activated by NASA, to make it seem as if it was the astronauts talking from the moon?

Posted By: Keith Mayes

Posted On: Nov 26, 2003
Views: 1081
RE: It's me, standing on the moon!

That's a good question!
The answer is of course yes, they could have. A recording device that soft landed on the moon and then broadcast messages back to earth would be impossible to tell from live talk. The same trick could also have been done with pre-recorded film showing 'live' film broadcasts.
Presumably remote probes could also have been deployed from the lander to collect moon rocks and set up the experiments.
Remote probes could also have taken the photos. Adding the astronauts in after would be a simple cut and paste job.
Also the craft meets all the criteria of being tracked from low earth orbit to the moon and back.

Yes, when you stop and think about it, it could theoretically have been done. However, a major problem with that scenario is that to actually do it requires a level of technology that we do not have even today, and we certainly didn't have anything anywhere near it 30 years ago. If you doubt that just look at the cutting edge technology on the probes on their way to Mars right now.

It also doesn't explain where the astronauts were all this time, after all, no one seriously denies they went into earth orbit. The Saturn v booster stages 1 & 2 fell back to earth (and I do mean fell) and stage 3 went into orbit around the sun. This leaves nowhere for the astronauts to be except where they were supposed to be, the CSM, which went to the moon. We really do know it went to the moon, see main page for further details.

Anyway, thanks for the question, makes a nice change to get a sensible one.


Theories with Problems