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Post InfoTOPIC: We did land on the moon!
Posted By: Nater G

Posted On: Feb 17, 2006
Views: 1149
We did land on the moon!

I do not understand these people that don't think we landed on the moon. They have to be retarded or something. These people have no life and think it is fun to make up crap. GET A LIFE we landed on the moon!

Posted By: Keith Mayes

Posted On: Feb 20, 2006
Views: 1143
RE: We did land on the moon!

Of course we did.Only the simple minded think otherwise.

Posted By: Grant

Posted On: Feb 22, 2006
Views: 1134
RE: We did land on the moon!

I wouldn't be so sure Keith, you do know that there are some really intelligent people who have watched the 'Moon Hoax' documentry and can now prove it was one big know the same people that think every picture of a UFO is real, every crop circle is extraterrestrials communicating with us and that Nostradamus can predict next weeks winning Lotto Numbers.

Posted By: Keith Mayes

Posted On: Feb 26, 2006
Views: 1123
RE: We did land on the moon!

I think that sums up the problem Grant, some people are dumb enough to believe anything, no matter how ridiculous it may be.

Posted By: Nick

Posted On: Feb 27, 2006
Views: 1118
RE: We did land on the moon!

People aren't retarded or stupid.. The brain is set in its way.. if you think its a fake, then its a fake.. Thats just the way some people think.. can't be helped. Did we land on the Moon?? Yes, we did.. the bigger the lie,the harder it is to prove it.. theres just to meny "i"'s that must be dotted, and "t"'s to be crossed. I'll take a line from the movie "Men in Black" 10 000 years ago, people beleaved the world was flat, 1000 years ago, people beleaved we where the center of the univurse, and 10 minuted ago, you thought that we never landed on the moon! [sorry... I had to modify the ending to fit this posts needs] This story isn't over yet, watch for the return to the moon sometime between 2006 and 2015 if you don't beleave me..goto

Posted By: Janixtrum

Posted On: Aug 14, 2006
Views: 1017
RE: RE: We did land on the moon!

The logic of the non-believers is as follows:

If I put people in a hollow aluminium tube and let go they fall to the floor, aeroplanes are aluminium tubes and contain people therefore aeroplanes do not fly.

It's called 'Medeaval logic' like "She walked past my house and my dog died therefore she cast a spell, therefore she is a witch".

As for me I don't believe for one moment there are people out there who doubt humans have been to, and landed upon the moon. If any humans exist who do doubt a moon landing occured I doubt they would have the level of intelligence to survive even the earliest days of childhood.
They'd probably walk smack into some other thing they thought did not exist, like a bus or a train or whatever.

Oh, and if you did knock on my door and tell me you thought the moon-landings were a hoax, I'd believe you were playing a hoax on me (simply because no-one under the age of about three can reach the doorbell)!

Now one more thing 'I did not go to the moon therefore we did not go to the moon' is correct since 'we' includes 'I' and I have not been to the moon - others however (I believe) have been to the moon.

Now I must go as I have an Interstellar flight to catch. Off on my hols to a quiet little place on the other side of the Galaxy, back in a few days....

Posted By: kirk

Posted On: Nov 29, 2006
Views: 997
RE: RE: We did land on the moon!

As per Janixtrum, and what my understanding of nothing ever. I'm left with many many comments. May I add walking into physics class or out to a job site or into space, ****!, right into a theater for make benefit and then try to agrue anything really. As humans we are., as were human animals before defects found Jesus and each other for making anything possible... Way too many points to argue dude.

Always ask a fool for advice. The others only want to die rich.


Theories with Problems