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Posted By: Fabien Valoit

Posted On: Aug 17, 2003
Views: 1493
questions to keith & explanation about time travel

Hi Keith, I'm a french student who read your (great!) website. I have the same opinion as you, especially about religions and science. I noticed that in one of your articles, "is time travel possible?" you wonder why we don't meet time travellers coming from future, today.

According to theory, it's because a time loop need to be initialized first to be used then. As for example, let's imagine a theoretical time machine based on black holes (BH). I know there are many problems with the conception and use of a such machine, like managing not been killed using it... there are theories to solve these problems, but I won't detail them.

So create a BH, a worm hole more precisely, with its start, the BH itself (where the matter enters) and end (where the matter exits) very near, in the same place. Then speed up the "end" to give it a speed near the speed of light. The time will slow down and the BH will be fixed in time for exterior observers. Let the start immobile so as to it evolves in time "normally". As soon as this machine works, you will see (still in theory) a time traveller going out of the "end" of the BH: in the future, the "start" of the BH will be present, but the "end" is still fixed at the time of the creation of the machine. So it's possible for a person in the future to come to past, passing through the worm hole, but not before the date of the creation of the machine because the end cannot go back in time (it will just go on a little, its speed being not exactly the same as the speed of light). There is still the paradox problem, we can you use the notion of parallel worlds to avoid them... it's just a theory, an exercise of thought, you maybe won't agree it...

I wanted to ask you for a thing or two...
First, I know that mechanical waves are a moving of energy in matter, such like a ripple in water or a sound in the air. But I don't understand what are physically made electromagnetic waves? I know that the visible part of them, the visible light, is made of photons, but what are made the other waves such like radio waves? Photons too?

Another question: I imagined an experience in which there is a machine that makes ice creams spirally. the ice cream goes out by two pipes and falls in a glass which is spinning on his own axis, and so the two ray of ice cream will form a (double) spiral. According to relativity, it would be the same if the glass didn't spin at all, but everything around it was spinning on the same axis. But the result will be different in that case: the two pipes spinning, the centrigal force will eject the ice cream all over on the walls instead of making the ice cream like previously. So the centrifugal force seems to be a problem, preventing relativity to inverse the movement?... but if there was only one pipe, on the same axis as the glass, this problem wouldn't occur?

Thank you for reading all this, and excuse my english, I hope this is understandable, and there aren't too much mistakes.

Posted By: Keith Mayes

Posted On: Oct 28, 2003
Views: 1459
RE: questions to keith & explanation about time travel

Hi Fabien,
I can't comment on your black hole/wormhole idea as it is just a suggestion that is not based in fact.
I can however reply to your 'ice cream' question.
There is no problem with centrifugal force in the scenario you describe. If you can allow the ice cream container to rotate at a speed that does not affect the double spiral of ice cream it is holding, then you can also allow the ice cream tubes to rotate at a speed which does not affect the double spiral.
Using one pipe instead of two only alters the pattern of the ice cream, not the argument.
Problem solved! Relativity has not broken down.

Posted By: Fabien Valoit

Posted On: Oct 29, 2003
Views: 1451
RE: questions to keith & explanation about time travel

Thank you very much for your answer! I see what was my error. About my black holes theory, I think that's Einstein who made it, but I'm not sure. However it's impossible to experiment nowadays, I agree. Could you explain to me what radio waves are made of? Thank you,


Posted By: Keith Mayes

Posted On: Oct 29, 2003
Views: 1448
RE: questions to keith & explanation about time travel

To answer your question properly would take more typing than you probably imagine, and a message board is not the place for it anyway.
Any search engine will give you the answer you want.


Theories with Problems