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Posted By: HH

Posted On: Jan 15, 2005
Views: 1268
Shrinking Universe

I think the Universe is shrinking.And I am really dead serious!!It makes more sense than expansion.It is shrinking fastest towards the center. That's why we have a doppler red shift.It's like letting air out of a ballon.The balloon contracts fastest near its nozzle where the air rushes out fastest. Our Galaxy is somewhere near( the nozzle) the universes center. And the universe converges fastest near it's center. Thus making far away galaxies look as if they are moving away from us and giving us a doppler red shift because we are in fact moving away from them. I believe the universe is heading for a great big collission. I am serious.I think a universe can shrink just as likely as it can expand.I think gravity is pulling the universe together and it's being pulled together fastest at the cener where the gravity is strongest. Are there any other ideas out there on this.

Posted By: Rob

Posted On: Jan 18, 2005
Views: 1261
RE: Shrinking Universe

the universe has no center, theres way to many dimensions for us to understand and the more there is the less chance of there being a center.

Posted By: Rob

Posted On: Jan 18, 2005
Views: 1260
RE: Shrinking Universe

There could be a recollapse if the critical speed drops.

Posted By: Keith Mayes

Posted On: Jan 18, 2005
Views: 1255
RE: Shrinking Universe

You have overlooked the fact that if the universe was shrinking then many of the galaxies that we observe would be blue shifted because we would be getting closer to them.

Posted By: HH

Posted On: Jan 18, 2005
Views: 1253
RE: Shrinking Universe

To Keith

The Galaxies would not be blue shifted because the shrinking Galaxy would shrink faster closest to its area around the center. If we looked at the sky and happen to look closer towards this center, then these galaxies would be traveling away from us(and therefore red shifted) since the universe shrinks fastest the closer we get to this area around the center.And if we happen to look away from the center or out then we would be traveling inward at a greater speed and therefore light is red shifted.Remember that gravity is strongest at the center as the universe collapses.Think of it as a ballon with the air escaping at the nozzle;The air travels fastest near the nozzle and the balloon shrinks slowest at its surface.Can you see the picture now? Also the galaxies themselves are'nt shrinking;only the fabric of space time.Remember that the universe does'nt shrink proportionally.It shrinks faster and faster the closer you get to its center.Actually we don'nt know where the center is Just as we don'nt know where the center is in The Expnding Universe Theory.


Posted By: HH

Posted On: Jan 18, 2005
Views: 1252
RE: Shrinking Universe


You're right!! The center of the universe is unknown. But if the universe is collapsing because gravity is pulling it together,then it has to be collapsing towards a place.I don'nt know what to call that place. I just call it the center because I do'nt have any other word for it.


Posted By: ROB

Posted On: Jan 19, 2005
Views: 1244
RE: Shrinking Universe

YES you have made good points and i have read on this thoery of a big crunch, which if its true, then there must of been a bang for the collapse to begin, and yes there must be a definate "point of center", the big crunch though does serious damage to our understanding of gravity, maybe einstein was wrong when he said that the biggest blunder of his life was accepting the hubble findings as true.
But the actual space time between seperate galaxys are moving further apart at all angles and not just from us.its very confusing.

Posted By: ROB

Posted On: Jan 19, 2005
Views: 1240
RE: Shrinking Universe

HH, do you believe there was a bang? if not how could it shrink? and if it is shrinking can you tell me what your theory and understanding of gravity is and where black holes would fit into all this?

id just like to hear it thats all, im curious.

Posted By: Keith Mayes

Posted On: Jan 24, 2005
Views: 1229
RE: Shrinking Universe

Regarding a shrinking universe.
The first thing to understand is that we can't make comparisons with other objects. We simply can't use a deflating balloon as an example.
The universe is expanding, the universe itself, so the further away a galaxy is the faster it is moving away from us. Look at any galaxy in any direction and it is moving away, apart from local gravitationally attracted ones that is. This makes it appear as if we were at the centre of the universe, which of course we are not. So all galaxies are red shifted, apart from a few local blue shifted ones.
If the universe were shrinking, then galaxies would be blue shifted. They would be moving towards us as the universe shrunk. Forget about rushing to a centre and going faster the nearer they got and balloon nozzles, that only causes total confusion.
The universe just isn't like that.
Being all there is, the entire cosmos, it no more has a 'centre' than the surface of a sphere can be said to have a centre. I know it is hard to grasp, but that is the way it is.

Posted By: rob

Posted On: Jan 24, 2005
Views: 1225
RE: Shrinking Universe

yes it is hard to grasp,and i understand that the universe has no center,i said there must be a definate point of center,but i should of said there must of been a definate starting point (bb)which gives you the impression that is the center.
ooooooooh its hard to try and picture, and like you say comparing it to objects just isnt the same.

so keith, ive read a lot of theories etc for a number of years and i keep being drawn to an
infinate nothing that contained an expanding and contracting universe (a BB repeat cycle). what do you think?

i know we cant observe the universe from outside which will always leave us with an endless question of well what caused that and then what caused that and so on and so.

so could the above proposal be any good?

would we need a cause if NOTHING just simply contained the universe, after all "nothing" would be unaware that it did contain it.

Posted By: Sharona

Posted On: Aug 16, 2005
Views: 1071
RE: Shrinking Universe

Listen, it doesn't matter if the Expanding Universe theory, the Contracting Universe theory, the Big Crunch, or whatever is true, because either way it would be beyond our control. I would agree that it is all madly interesting, but worrying about it would just give me a headache. I also believe that there will probubly be loopholes of some description in every theory man devises - it's just human nature.

"There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable." - Direct Quote.

Posted By: Keith Mayes

Posted On: Aug 16, 2005
Views: 1069
RE: Shrinking Universe

Hi Sharona,
I loved your quote.
To quote it in its entirety it continuous "....and some say that this has already happened." (or words to that effect, its been a while now).
It's taken from "Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy" by the late Brian Adams, the one that has "Don't Panic" in bold letters across the cover.
Great stuff!
I also think his super computer after generations of thinking about the question "What is the meaning of life, the universe and everything?" and coming up with the answer 42 was brilliant.


Theories with Problems