Post InfoTOPIC: Everything
Posted By: Steve

Posted On: Jan 31, 2005
Views: 1822

By 'Everything' I mean precisely everything. All that we know, laws, physics, people, objects, inventions this site, or perhaps ME.

I hope you don't get what I am about to tell you confused with the Matrix, a movie composed by the Wakoski Brothers or possibly created by 'me'.
We struggle to understand the complexity of the human mind and some will say that we hold greater powers within. This thought that I have one which I believe to be a great one and should make any one who believe it feel great. My thought is- What if everything around you was created by your own mind. That we were not ‘prisoners surrounded by this false world’- The Matrix, but that this was our world contained within 'something even more great that we will never see or touch.' (Another story that I cannot answer). That every face you see, the people you meet your closest friends and family were created by you.
If you are to believe what I have just said then ask yourself now, am I, Steve real? - sitting writing this text at a computer or have YOU already created me, my name, my age and this idea? What makes this idea seem great is the thought that although we never take credit for the items we use, we may have created them? We couldn't possibly claim that we invented the telephone, computer and everything else around us - but what if we did? Wouldn’t this make us feel great? That every song we hear, we composed it by ourselves, wrote the words and didn’t know we had.
The reason why I can never assure myself that this idea is nonsense is because I do not know what people think, do they think? Or do they just say and do things that I want them to do? Objects perhaps in my world.
I would like to stress again that I am not a mad child or paranoid about this idea because that’s all it is, an idea or a thought. I do not think about it everyday- only when I stumble upon a web-page as great as this.
If this idea was real then why would we create bad things, bad people and tragic events or simply people we don’t like? We don't buy products and use things in our home we don’t like, we throw them away. So why if we were in control do we create these things that only annoy us, could this be a fault within ourselves.
I would like to say again that writing this, if I am to believe this idea at present, who am I writing to - myself. That if I get a response it will be me who wrote it and I will have created another person, name, and face to add to the 6 billion in my world. And now for you, if you start to believe this idea after reading this, have you created me? Am I another creation in your world like the car, light bulb, TV you use everyday. How do you know that you haven’t created me? Sure you can just say to yourself “that’s the daftest thing I’ve heard, this guys mad” or you can wonder, can it be true? Surly there is some logic to it. If we can dream and create people we have never seen, far away places and events while we sleep then surly we could be doing this all the time. It is I say again a great thought to believe everything around you and everything to come- books, stories, films, history, inventions, buildings, people, countries and languages – were created by you. Sadly this is the kind of idea that would drive one mad; please note at the moment I call myself curious, perhaps I will be mad in years to come. If you were to come onboard and accept this idea, knowing that there was no way to prove it wrong or prove it to be correct- Your own mind would not allow such results because of the limits you would have created by coming onboard. Now you will believe that you are alone surrounded by objects, I mean people. This, the factor that drives one mad. Loneliness. © 2004 SMK.

Posted By: rob

Posted On: Feb 3, 2005
Views: 1816
RE: Everything

so the "UNIFIED THEORY OF EVERYTHING" is its all in our minds?

Posted By: steve

Posted On: Feb 3, 2005
Views: 1814
RE: Everything

Well you say "our minds". If u believe it, you would write "my mind". lol.

Posted By: rob

Posted On: Feb 3, 2005
Views: 1809
RE: Everything

lol you know what i meant.
The thing is, we know that what/where we are "now" is reality, if we were dreaming then we would wake up with scars etc, i could fall off a cliff and not die, but in reality i would.
so we know we are not dreaming.

If what your saying is correct then it would mean that there is muliple universes and every possible outcome and event WOULD occur,AND that would mean our universe would have to be infinate when we all ready know that it is expanding.

If what your saying is correct it still leaves the main question of where it all began, even if there were multi universes and we were created in some other universes lab, it still leaves us to trace back where they came from,where then did they come from etc,etc.

your thoughts sum up the quantum level exactly,its very bizzare,very weird, but we cant apply logic or common sense to the quantum world.i personally think we need a new language for this micro-world.

at the end of the day we will never know the real answer as we can only observe the universe from with in it.
But if we reverse time back to the start of absolute "nothing" when things were basic, im very sure there will be a very simple,basic answer.
so simple will the answer be that we will all go "oh right, is that it"
and yes why shouldnt it be, why should it be some weird and wonderfull sci fi explanation.
i personally think that even a lot of scientists are starting to lose the plot and are losing focus of what is a wonderfull superb and natural event that took place.

we have advanced rapidly in recent years in technology and all though its brilliant it can have its downfalls and start to take over our lives,and our knowledge can become distracted.

your statement is great and theres no proof either way.i just personally think after all the test,calcualations,experiments,theories,thought experiments, etc etc. there will be a very very simple answer and something so simple like E=mc2.

well thats my moaning done for now, lol

Posted By: steve

Posted On: Feb 3, 2005
Views: 1806
RE: Everything

My comments are just a thought, perhaps to be a new Hollywood film sometime. There is no scientific meaning to it. However, you talk about science, dreams and reality. What I’m saying is that, all those ideas are your creations, scientific equations and explanations. It is not a dream, it is your reality because it’s what you are, and there is no other being or way of life. From the moment you where 'born' everything you have ever encountered has been created by you. There is no universe with other creators or beings. It is only you and this 'life' you lead that is the universe; it is not the place you live that you should call the universe.

Here’s a thought, we ponder over what was before the big bang and what was the 'nothing'. Think to when you were born. What was before your birth? Where did you come from? You only believe in reproduction because you where told about it and it seems to fit, right? What if you created this story to explain your coming to be? After all, on a personal level you have no idea what was before you. What was the before?
What I’m saying is, if you believe this concept for a while; forget all your scientific explanations because it is your own creation. It will not explain your coming to be or how it works because it is only padding that you have created. You are alone in this world and that is why only you have an internal voice or conscience. You have no idea what others are thinking. They just talk and react to how you live.

I will end with this:

"The more you look for it, the more of it you create."

E.g. You have created a dark cave in the forest. You don’t know what’s in the cave but you know the cave is there. You will never know what’s inside until you look. Is there anything inside, or will there only be something inside after you look? You do not know. One day you look inside and you discover a large stone. Was it there before you looked or have you just created it?

Posted By: rob

Posted On: Feb 4, 2005
Views: 1801
RE: Everything

well how the hell was i created if only i can create myself,im not alone, im very unique to everyone else yes, and we all are , but we are not alone, i have created absolutley nothing, if i did i would be creating a better life than the one i have now,id still be creating as we speak.

i was created in a natural enviroment,right back from the same swamp as everything else.

you said in your original statement that there was logic it in it. WHERE? come on lets be honest there isnt even the slightest bit of common sense in it regardless of the science and laws of physics.

It does sound like a great film though, lol

Posted By: Steve

Posted On: Feb 4, 2005
Views: 1796
RE: Everything

It’s not supposed to be and explanation. I quote again 'My comments are just a thought, perhaps to be a new Hollywood film sometime. There is no scientific meaning to it.' Don’t be so serious. I am merely outlining the fact that from person to person we have no idea what other people are. We have no proof to ourselves that they are what we think they are and are the same as us. You say 'if I did I would be creating a better life than the one I have now, id still be creating as we speak.' If you read my previous post you will see that I said 'So why if we were in control do we create these things that only annoy us, could this be a fault within ourselves.' For this idea to work and for it to make sense to yourself at present you must believe what I have said in the original post. That you are creating everything you encounter. Even me writing these posts, you should now be thinking that it is yourself who is writing these posts, creating them. However, I believe you are past the point when you can imagine such things as this.

Another thought: You read a book and start at the top of the page, you have no idea what text is in the middle or bottom of that page. You do not know until you read it word for word what actually happens. When you begin at the top, are the words to come already decided, set in stone? Or do the words to come depend on what you read from the previous line, as you create one by one, as if making up a story on the spot.

You may ask well if I created it how would others read the same book and see the same words as me. That is not what this idea proposes; it states that there are no others, only you. Other people who talk to you are saying what you want them to say on some level, because they are not like you although you see them as equals, they are also creations in this place like the objects in your home. You ask, well if I am alone, who is Steve writing to me. Well, perhaps this is yourself posting to yourself for the first time; it is the first time you are considering the truth or possibility of this idea. For others who read this posting, how do you know you haven’t created both me and rob? What interests me about these posts is the fact that we only have one voice as people, our inner voice perhaps. We do not know what these people in our world (the created by us type) think. We do not know if they have the same inner thoughts as us because we cannot read minds. How do we even know they really think? For all we know they just move their lips and make noises, we do not know the thoughts before these noises and so we do not know if there is any thought at all. They could just be doing what we want them to do again on some level unaware to us.

This idea is very unique to each reader and one has to think of it in there own way. For e.g. If I am to believe it at this moment then I am only writing these posts to myself and the people who respond are just my creations??? Have I already written what they will say in their reply?

Back to reality (if this is it), as the creator of this idea perhaps I am the only one who can truly understand it and believe it fully at times. I would like to say I’m not mad and this is not a full time belief only one of many slightly funny, possibly great explanations I have for what this place is. I would like to say if I am wrong and for all you individual real people out there reading these ‘stupid’ posts, sorry. If it was me reading this I would probably think the creator is mad. But put in context I think it is fun. I mean if Moby Dick was explained as seriously as I may put my points across, Dickens would surly have been put in a mental institution.
In order to increase my personal respect on my stories, lol, I would appreciate it if every viewer of these posts would write something as a response even if it be as simple as ‘poor’ or ‘good’. Thanks.

Posted By: Rob

Posted On: Feb 4, 2005
Views: 1791
RE: Everything

well i must say you have totally lost me

im not taking things to seriously i think what you said is a great idea/thought, i just think its a shame that some are losing touch and that just plain old luck and pure chance of being here is being overturned by wacky ideas.

Posted By: rob

Posted On: Feb 4, 2005
Views: 1789
RE: Everything

steve. judging by the look of things its only me and you that where is everyone.

Posted By: God

Posted On: Feb 4, 2005
Views: 1786
RE: Everything

So you both think you exist?
Only I know the truth of that, and I'm not even sure if I exist.
I think I exist though because millions of people think I exist, so perhaps I do.
If I do, then maybe you do?
If on the other hand you don't exist then I don't either because then there wouldn't be millions of people who think I exist.

Posted By: Steve

Posted On: Feb 13, 2005
Views: 1769
RE: Everything

I am a very scientific person and fully believe in the Big Bang theory and basically everything else on this website. I just like to share my wacky stories that touch on the unknown sometimes.

PS. To the previous user, I don’t believe in God.

Posted By: rob

Posted On: Feb 18, 2005
Views: 1759
RE: Everything

To god:

if your not sure if you exist how can you then say only you know the truth about us? lol

can you make a rock heavy enough that even you cant lift?

i dont believe in a "human like" god either.

Posted By: Steve

Posted On: Feb 25, 2005
Views: 1751
RE: Everything

What type of god do you believe in?

Posted By: rob

Posted On: Feb 26, 2005
Views: 1747
RE: Everything

hi steve, well funny enough as you were talking about bizzare ideas etc heres mine.

i personally believe WE are god, every person,insect,tree,planet,galaxy,star, everything is all one big entity which i call god.

if there was a bang and the universe is expanding then at some point every atom must of been together, which says to me that we are god we are it all of it.

Posted By: rob

Posted On: Feb 26, 2005
Views: 1744
RE: Everything

sorry if the last post was a bit

dont get me wrong id like to believe in "a god" or even something more bizzare but it just doesnt seem to tie in with what we observe (which may be wrong of course).

i hope i am

i just wish a few scientists would have the balls to say there is no need for a creator..its like they always seem to leave a possible place for him.

whats your view or belief then steve?

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