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Post InfoTOPIC: Can Someone Clear this up?
Posted By: mitizaa

Posted On: Apr 26, 2006
Views: 980
Can Someone Clear this up?

It was probably explained in the essay you wrote on the page about The Big Bang, but according to Einstein's Theory of Relativity, didn't he, frustrated with the fact that his theory led to the implication that there was a 'beginning', which would need a "God" to stand true, add a component to his theory to get rid of the 'beginning' aspect of it? To my understanding, and the little research I just conducted in the past 10 minutes, he later converted to a form of Deism, which favors the idea of an impersonal God.

Posted By: Keith Mayes

Posted On: Apr 27, 2006
Views: 979
RE: Can Someone Clear this up?

The only change that Einstein made to any of his equations was to include a 'cosmological constant' into his theory of relativity. This was because he believed, as most everyone else did at the time, that the universe was eternal and unchanging. The 'cosmological constant' was just something he invented to 'fix' his theory and by dropping it into the equation the universe could be seen to be eternal and unchanging.
However, his equations actually showed that this was impossible due to the effects of gravity, therefore the universe had to be either expanding or contracting but couldn't possibly be static.
It is well understood today that the universe could not be static. He added this 'cosmological constant' to create a false static universe.
He latter admited that this was the biggest blunder of his life and removed it from his equations.
It had nothing to do with God, just cosmology and physics.

Posted By: Taylor

Posted On: Dec 27, 2007
Views: 743
RE: Can Someone Clear this up?

i thought that it was just a "fudge factor" and that the cosmological constant was a real thing? like the backround radiation, is that it?

Posted By: Keith Mayes

Posted On: Dec 28, 2007
Views: 741
RE: Can Someone Clear this up?

Yes it was just a 'fudge factor'
No it was not, and is not, a real energy.

However, because in recent times we have discovered - or think we have - that the rate of expansion of the universe is increasing instead of slowing down, we are busy looking for a missing energy, called dark energy, that would explain this. It will behave in someways, mathematically, like Einstein's cosmological constant.


Theories with Problems