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Posted By: Mateus

Posted On: Nov 9, 2007
Views: 1002
About that nothing...

I'd like to coment more on 'Where did the universe come from?' article rather than 'The Big Bang Theroy', but they are related so I post it here.

"According to our definition of nothing as being timeless, then in order to contain the universe, the universe MUST have always existed within it."

"An infinite eternal unchanging nothing that has always existed and has always contained a finite but unbounded closed universe that constantly changes but is itself eternal."

What I don't like about these quotes is 'always' word and part about changing. Actually, 'always' relates to time, so from perpective of 'timeless nothing' it doesn't make sense. I would say that the universe just IS there (ok, 'there' is also invalid word as 'nothing' has no space dimensions). And it is completely static. It cannot change if time doesn't flow! If we'd observe the universe from the outside of it, we would consider time as one of its dimensions, not something that makes it changing.

When I imagine it I compare it to a movie. Time flows within a movie and events take place in it. But this internal movie-time has nothing to do with ours. For us a movie is an object that doesn't change. We can watch the scenes in any order, slow it down or even play it backwards and it's still exactly the same movie. Now, characters in the movie may wonder when and how the movie started, but for us id doesn't matter. We ask when and how it was recorded. For characters within the movie and for us the 'beginning' relates to completely different time-spaces.

So, our movie starts with the Big Bang. And if you ask what was there before the Big Bang, it's like asking what the movie shows before it begins. And from the outside, when was our movie recorded? We will never know, but if we assume that outside of our time-space there's nothing, no-time-no-space, then again this question is invalid. From the outside, our universe just is. Not has always been, not was created, but JUST IS.

I guess this is what Keith Mayes writes about in his article, but i felt his description is a little inconsistent, and decided to put it in other words. Or maybe he would disagree?

Posted By: Keith Mayes

Posted On: Nov 9, 2007
Views: 1000
RE: About that nothing...

No, I don't disagree.
How though can I describe the concept of something having always existed without referring to time? Its just not possible, its just a concept that I am trying to explain.
Even with your attempt by describing the universe as 'just is', the word 'is' refers to time, as it exists in the now.
Our explanations, restricted as they are to the use of the English language, will always fall short, but its the only method of posting messages we have at our disposal. A more accurate way would be to use mathematics, but I am unable to do that and feel sure that the vast majority of people who read these messages are in the same boat.


Theories with Problems