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Posted By: Kevin

Posted On: Jan 23, 2009
Views: 1029
Permeable Dimensions

I can't explain how I thought of this idea but walking back from my moleculer and cell biology class today I started thinking about black holes, the big bang, and dimensions of space. In the lecture my professor was discussing cell membranes and how the phospholipid bilayer is permeable to small molecules through diffusion because of concentration gradients and such and on the way back I started thinking what if dimensions of space could also be permeable.

To begin we all know the force of gravity pulls all objects with the same strength and towards the center of the object. Black holes are the extreme of gravity where the objects become so dense it collapses in on itself down to a singularity-the first dimension. Now what if this happens because the extremely high "concentration" of matter collapsing into such a small area allows it to slip or "permeate" through the second and third dimension and "fall" into the first dimension? The matter cannot re-expand and "fill" the dimension since it has no area. But lets look at the big bang now. What if a "black hole" of some sort formed in a higher dimension and the matter from that dimension was so compacted into such a small area that if "diffused" through one or several dimensions until when in the third dimension it suddenly filled up this space and expanded into the universe we know today. Maybe it could not fall into the second or first dimension becuase it was simply to large to permeate through this dimension or something like that. I know this doesnt answer anything about where the matter from the higher dimensions come from or anything like that but it seemed like an interesting thought. Don't take this idea seriously or anything becuase theres absoletuly no evidence behind it or anything I just started randomly thinking about it.

Posted By: Keith Mayes

Posted On: Jan 23, 2009
Views: 1024
RE: Permeable Dimensions

Nothing wrong with having a good old random think, I do it all the time, usually when driving.
As for your idea, who knows?


Theories with Problems