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Posted By: Stephen Mcknight

Posted On: Aug 25, 2004
Views: 1063

By 'Everything' I mean precisely everything. All that we know, laws, physics, people, objects, inventions this site, or perhaps ME.

Before I start, I wouldn't call myself mad, just curious.

I am now at the age of fifteen and for as long as I can remember I have had an idea that would sound to your average Joe, mad.
I hope you don't get what I am about to tell you confused with the Matrix, a movie composed by the Wakoski Brothers or possibly created by 'me'.
We struggle to understand the complexity of the human mind and some will say that we hold greater powers within. This thought that I have one which I believe to be a great one and should make any one who believe it feel great. My thought is- What if everything around you was created by your own mind. That we were not ‘prisoners surrounded by this false world’- The Matrix, but that this was our world contained within 'something even more great that we will never see or touch.' (Another story that I cannot answer). That every face you see, the people you meet your closest friends and family were created by you.
If you are to believe what I have just said then ask yourself now, am I, Stephen real? - sitting writing this text at a computer or have YOU already created me, my name, my age and this idea? What makes this idea seem great is the thought that although we never take credit for the items we use, we may have created them? We couldn't possibly claim that we invented the telephone, computer and everything else around us - but what if we did? Wouldn’t this make us feel great? That every song we hear, we composed it by ourselves, wrote the words and didn’t know we had.
The reason why I can never assure myself that this idea is nonsense is because I do not know what people think, do they think? Or do they just say and do things that I want them to do? Objects perhaps in my world.
I would like to stress again that I am not a mad child or paranoid about this idea because that’s all it is, an idea or a thought. I do not think about it everyday- only when I stumble upon a web-page as great as this.
If this idea was real then why would we create bad things, bad people and tragic events or simply people we don’t like? We don't buy products and use things in our home we don’t like, we throw them away. So why if we were in control do we create these things that only annoy us, could this be a fault within ourselves.
I would like to say again that writing this, if I am to believe this idea at present, who am I writing to - myself. That if I get a response it will be me who wrote it and I will have created another person, name, and face to add to the 6 billion in my world. And now for you, if you start to believe this idea after reading this, have you created me? Am I another creation in your world like the car, light bulb, TV you use everyday. How do you know that you haven’t created me? Sure you can just say to yourself “that’s the daftest thing I’ve heard, this guys mad” or you can wonder, can it be true? Surly there is some logic to it. If we can dream and create people we have never seen, far away places and events while we sleep then surly we could be doing this all the time. It is I say again a great thought to believe everything around you and everything to come- books, stories, films, history, inventions, buildings, people, countries and languages – were created by you. Sadly this is the kind of idea that would drive one mad; please note at the moment I call myself curious, perhaps I will be mad in years to come. If you were to come onboard and accept this idea, knowing that there was no way to prove it wrong or prove it to be correct- Your own mind would not allow such results because of the limits you would have created by coming onboard. Now you will believe that you are alone surrounded by objects, I mean people. This, the factor that drives one mad.

Posted By: Keith Mayes

Posted On: Sep 12, 2004
Views: 1045
RE: Everything

Hi Stephen,
Loved reading your posting!!! Lots to think about there all right! Wow!
No, I don't think you are mad, because as I think like you do that would mean that I thought myself mad as well, and I don't. Others may.
A you say, it is not possible to argue against the idea that everything we see and experience may be created by ourselves. I in fact sometimes wonder if we create the future by what we think, that because we may think it be possible to one day teleport ourselves from one place to another, we may bring that about, because we thought it may happen. If you see what I mean?
Perhaps we even create the laws of nature as we go along? Maybe the universe is not 'set in stone', but is yet to be determined, by our thoughts and actions? The future may not exist, there may be no future, only the 'now' that we experience, that is all we can experience, we can't experience the past or future. There is no past, it is only a 'now' that no longer exists?
Once you start to think like this, it can cause serious brain damage and sleepless nights. Lots of fun though!
Thanks for your posting, most enjoyable, well done.

Posted By: Bill

Posted On: Nov 13, 2004
Views: 1025
RE: Everything

"If you would be a real seeker after truth,
it is necessary that at least once in your life
you doubt, as far as possible, all things."
— Rene Descartes

You raise some good questions. You weren't the first and you won't be the last. Just don't let it get you down. =) Read Rene Decartes and his meditations.

Posted By: Mike S

Posted On: Aug 17, 2005
Views: 928
RE: Everything

Well, if this idea is true,
that only our mind exist and that it makes up everything else ( as well as other persons )

It doesn't make any difference.
Subjects like physics and Cosmology
are also unaffected, and still pose the same problems as before.

I think similar thoughts ar common in teenage years, as part of realising our dependence
on exterior things and people, as well as our privacy.


Theories with Problems