THEORIES WITH PROBLEMS - IS INFINITY REAL? -> what is........?Start A New Topic | Reply
Post InfoTOPIC: what is........?
Posted By: Trenzor

Posted On: Nov 28, 2008
Views: 854
what is........?

Hello everyone! This is indeed a very interesting discusion!!!

I want to share some ideas with you.

What is infinity? Is it posible to measure something?

A time ago, i thought of a nice example. This is how it goes:

Supposed, you have a spaceship and you travel from

A to B

and the distance between A and B is equal to 100 miles

Oke, lets suppose you start flying from A but the speed of the spaceship equals the distance you still have to go.

for eqample:

if you are at the exact startpoint, your speed is equal to 100 miles/h (btw this moment will be infinite small)

if you are at the half of A and B, You would be 50 miles away from your destination and so your speed will be 50 miles/h

if you still have 25 miles to go, your speed will be 25 miles/h and so on and so on.......

So here is something to think about, If you continue to travel this way......Will you ever reach you destination?

Many will say: No you will never reach it because it takes you an infinite amount of time to get there.

But this is how I see it: It is true that it takes you an infinite amount of time to reach your destination. But it is also true that if the spaceship is on the exact spot of its destination....It speed will be equall to 0 and therefore we can conclude, That the spaceship will reach its destination.....but the time nessecery to complete this mission will take you an infinite amount of time.

So I have proven you can reach your destination.

how xan something costes an infinite amount of time and still reachable? I dont know. Maybe it is our logic thinking what keeps us away from understanding our excistance

What is measuring? We measure things. But suppose you are in an infinite nothing how big are you? or how small are you? and if i float in one direction...How fast do I go? Do I have speed? And if there is no speed.....can you conclude there is no time? And if there is no time can you conclude there is no existance? And how can something that does not exist.............exist

I want to share one more thing with you.....Its a mathimatical problem.

Oke Lets take 2^3 it is 2*2*2=8


2^3 = 8
2^2 = 4
2^1 = 2
logic dictates:
2^0 = 1

Alright lets take this one step further......

3^0 = 1
2^0 = 1
1^0 = 1
logic dictates:
0^0 = 1

0 = nothing
1 = something

how can something can be created out of nothing?
Is there a flaw in my logic?


Posted By: Keith Mayes

Posted On: Nov 29, 2008
Views: 849
RE: what is........?


Your point about the pace ship and its ever decreasing speed is a variation of the original version. If a man has a journey of a mile and moves forward half a mile and then half the remaining distance every time, will he ever reach his destination. The answer is yes he will, its just a matter of deciding when. Forget the maths and look at the reality. After a while he will be so close he will be unable to move forward without crossing the line. How accurately do you measure where his shoe ends and the line begins? At the atomic level? There comes a point where he cannot move forward any less a distance then the distance the molecules in his shoe vibrates.
Regarding your maths I am afraid you have made an error. Any non-zero number raised to the power of zero is 1 and you have that part correct. However, Zero raised to the power of zero is zero.


Theories with Problems