THEORIES WITH PROBLEMS - IS INFINITY REAL? -> Time/Space infinityStart A New Topic | Reply
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Posted By: Daniel Harvey

Posted On: Dec 9, 2008
Views: 892
Time/Space infinity

Firstly thank you for putting together this website, I found your explanations fascinating. I am only a 24 year old student and have only recently become interested in philosopy and theories of the Universe.

I do see your logic in what you say regarding the Universe/Space/Time/Infinity and how they may or may not relate. However, my point is that no one really knows whether the Universe in infinite or not. I am aware my opinion may seem ridiculous or even ignorant but I can not comprehend the idea that the universe and indeed time are not infinite. Similarly the idea that they are infinite causes me to be completely confused.

I would like to think humanity could some day have answers to these questions, but I feel they may be so mind troubling, that they would lead to the ultimate destruction of the human race.

I have a few questions for you. Please disregard these if you are busy.

1 - Do you believe time travel/teleportation are possible?

2 - If time travel is 'only' a matter of travelling faster than the speed of light - is it not possible that time travel could have happened some time previously, placing humans on earth from a previous or past time within an 'infinite' universe?

3 -If the universe and time are 'infinite', (which you do not believe but cannot prove) is it not true that humans must exist elsewhere in the Universe now, in the past, or in the infinite future?

I apologise if my questions frustrate you, I simply wish to understand - I am definately going to buy one of the Stephen Hawkings books which you cited in your brilliant article.

Many thanks again,


Posted By: Stethoscope Boy

Posted On: Dec 9, 2008
Views: 889
RE: Time/Space infinity

The answers for the first two, and alot of Keith's other opinions on matters can be found in his website, Theories with Problems.

Posted By: Keith Mayes

Posted On: Dec 10, 2008
Views: 886
RE: Time/Space infinity

1 - Do you believe time travel/teleportation are possible?

Read my article, but in short I am not sure. The matter is very complicated when you consider the muti-universe theory. I do not though believe that it will ever be possible to time travel within our own universe, to say go back in time and see the dinosaurs. If it were possible it would have already happened.

2 - If time travel is 'only' a matter of travelling faster than the speed of light - is it not possible that time travel could have happened some time previously, placing humans on earth from a previous or past time within an 'infinite' universe?

If time travel is possible then the past and the future must exist and be as real as the present. Therefore it gets a bit complicated to talk about 'could have happened previously.'

3 -If the universe and time are 'infinite', (which you do not believe but cannot prove) is it not true that humans must exist elsewhere in the Universe now, in the past, or in the infinite future?

If the universe was infinite then every single possibility of everything must exist. There would be another you and me having this email exchange on another identical planet, except I would have blue hair and yours would be yellow and the grass would be pink. Then another world which would be identical except my keyboard would be an inch to the left, and so on. Infinity is very hard to grasp!

Posted By: Kevin

Posted On: Dec 12, 2008
Views: 870
RE: Time/Space infinity

Well if space is infinite and there are an infinite many possibilities, like the same you but the keyboard is an inch to the left, does that mean I would have infinitely many minds? I'm saying that since the universe is infinite then I must be doing the exact same thing right now with only one variable different. But does that mean its still my mind? I'm just confused lol.

Posted By: Stethoscope Boy

Posted On: Dec 13, 2008
Views: 866
RE: Time/Space infinity

The universe being infinite with an infinite number of possibilities is very hard to grasp. Just think of atoms, and the connections atoms make, and every possibility that an atom can attract to a different atom than the one it did in our world. accoroding to every possibility, in one of these universes the atoms in your brain will be in a rock, a frog, a star, someones orange juice, a tree, someone elses brain, etc. Every possible way an electron can orbit the atom will also be in a universe.

Posted By: Red Dog

Posted On: Dec 17, 2008
Views: 856
RE: Time/Space infinity

"The matter is very complicated when you consider the muti-universe theory. I do not though believe that it will ever be possible to time travel within our own universe, to say go back in time and see the dinosaurs. If it were possible it would have already happened."

What makes you think that it hasn't already happened? How would we be aware of visitors in the time stream?

Posted By: Daniel

Posted On: Dec 17, 2008
Views: 853
RE: Time/Space infinity

I propose time travel may already have happened. Who's to say that a proportion of 'mentally ill' people aren't time travellers. I know that sounds far fetched but we don't know the implications of time travel on the human mind. It could be the cause of schizophrenia for example. I don't want to sound silly but can anyone prove that it isn't? Also, people go missing all the time, it may be that theres some form of time portal.

I know that sounds like utter inane pap, but who knows. Thoughts anyone?

Posted By: sundog

Posted On: Jan 1, 2009
Views: 835
RE: Time/Space infinity

Proving time travel does not exist would be just a problematic as proving Unicorns never existed. They probably didn't.... but there is no way to prove it.


Posted On: Sep 15, 2011
Views: 603
RE: Time/Space infinity

first of all its proven that time travel exists but we cant unfortunately do it at this point in time however i do believe that at some point in the future our civilations will be advanced enough to finally go back in time or the future ...and i know this wont answer all ur questions man but...when it comes to pardoxes like the grandfather paradox no examples will be given unless u email me but all paradoxs are solved with the idea of parallel universes....hope that answers at least one question but i have alot more specific ideas if u need them email me and by the way im almost a physicist any other questions will be answered...have a great day by the way good questions my friend!!

Posted By: Keith Mayes

Posted On: Sep 16, 2011
Views: 600
RE: Time/Space infinity

"first of all its proven that time travel exists"

That's the first I have heard of it. Since when has time travel been proven, by who and when?


Theories with Problems