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Posted By: Andrew

Posted On: May 17, 2011
Views: 1140
The multiverse

If infinity was a real and not just conceptual thing (I’m not saying that it is…that’s preposterous) it would solve a lot of problems. Like you said, Keith, matter could be subdivided down to infinity. Our 3-d universe could exist within a 4-d universe, which in turn exists in a 5-d universe, and so on until infinity.

Now, back to reality. I support the belief that there are 11 spatial dimensions, which is obviously a finite number, and that our 3rd dimensional universe exists within a 4rth, and so on and so forth, meaning that there is 1 11th dimensional universe that within are all the other spatial dimensions. My question is this…what does that final 11th dimension exist within? All prior dimensions can be described as worlds within worlds. 3 spatial dimensions within 4 spatial dimensions…4 within 5, 5 within 6. But if there is an ultimate dimension, what does it exist within?

Nothing? How can there be a border between something (11th d) and nothing. How can anything exist within nothing?! I am honestly at a loss. As far as I can tell, the universe as we see it can only exist where there are infinite spatial dimensions above our 3. But this is not true. We are left with a perplexing paradox.

Posted By: Loto

Posted On: Aug 10, 2011
Views: 1088
RE: The multiverse

My observation is that the dimensions are 12
Of course the 12th is quite peculiar
I have been studying the issue for a long time and I have reached this result.
For some reason I believe 2 things: that is a matter to hard and dangerous to talk out, and second that the nature of the universe can't be determined only through scientific means

If you have any question you like to propose me, I will try to answer

My best regards


Theories with Problems