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Post InfoTOPIC: did space a begining or was it here forever?

Posted On: Sep 15, 2011
Views: 1097
did space a begining or was it here forever?

for me this is the hardest question because it boggles ur mind.....everytime i think of this question i get confused and at sometimes i even get question is did space have a begining and will it have an end .... i mean think about it when u think youll notice its impossible that space had a begining its perhaps see heres how it is...what happened before the big bang...what happened before that...what happened before that and what happened before that...and so on until infinite....when u think about it u realize that theres no begining i believe that our minds are just not good enough to find the answer...if anyone has any idea that would really help me on this question!!

Posted By: Abhishek Pandey

Posted On: Aug 11, 2012
Views: 970
RE: did space a begining or was it here forever?

To answer in short, yes, space began, and to be precise it began at the moment of creation of universe, the big bang. Space is subjected to duality as everything in our universe. The distance between two objects can only exist if the two objects are there. And to suffice this law of our universe it simply didnt exist before matter. Another way to look at this is by understanding the motion of our universe; Our universe is expanding, which means that the very space between all matter (the celestial bodies and even the space inside the atoms from nucleus to electrons) is expanding. People easily misunderstand this expansion theory and assume that all the objects are going away from each other, rather the space between matter is expanding. Now one may ask how does an atom doesnt become bigger or sun goes away from earth if the space is expanding, that is because the gravity (in case of celestial bodies) and electromagnetic pull (in case of quantum particles like atom) forces the matter to maintain its position. Imagine an infinitely stretchable rubber sheet that never breaks, it is your space, keep two marbles on the sheet at some distance from each other, they are your planets, now imagine the marbles are tied to either ends a piece of string. String is the gravity. Now stretch the sheet out... Will the marbles go away from each other? Of course they will not.

Now to find the answer to your primary question I'll counter question you. Shall the rubber sheet that is expanding continually started from a point? And if your answer is affirmative, then yes Space did have a beginning. You can decipher one more curiosity from this theory - Space is finite, cause its expanding, anything that expands is finite, infinity cant expand further. But our space doesnt have a boundary for us as we are part of this rubber that we call space. If we continue our journey in one precise direction in order to reach the end, we'll simply keep rotating in the fabric of space and never find end.

A food for thought is what lies outside this space? That is something that I do not know about, and I doubt if anyone can.

Posted By: Aman Parmar

Posted On: Mar 19, 2013
Views: 928
RE: did space a begining or was it here forever?

I don't really understand where your getting at sir. If you think logically space did not have a beginning at all, techniqually it cannot. Okay if you say there is a beginning then tell me this...what happened before the beginning? you thinking right...exactly. And while your at that, tell me what happened before that and before that....and before that....until you realize that space never had a start to it. It always was there probably. And one more question where did all matter come from...something can't come from "Nothing". There had to be something or someone that we are not aware about that did something. And all I want is what you think, there is no right or wrong its just either opinion wise or something you feel needs to be known out there. Thanks for the reply, you seem to know what you are talking about, even though your comment didn't really help answer/give thoughts on my question.

Posted By: Joseph

Posted On: May 31, 2016
Views: 749
RE: RE: did space a begining or was it here forever?

Space can have a beginning. Everything in existence can and must have a beginning, even space and time. Before spacetime, there simply was nothing, with neither beginning nor end. This is not the same thing as saying everywhere was a perfect vaccuum. Space and time were created at the same time, they share the same beginning, there can never be one without the other. So when you continuously ask "what before that, and what before that, and what before that...." you believe that there was a "time" before time and space was created, which is obviously not possible.

I think the deeper question that leaves you so unsatisfied with these answers is your second one, "how can something come from nothing"? You can read many articles about how exotic particles "pop" into temporary existence in vaccuums and how it is postulated that there is therefore no such thing as "nothing", hence there was always "potential". This is not satisfactory as an explanation because it also requires that the potential/energy/medium existed before time and space. Science has limitations, we will never perform experiments inside a black hole or see beyond the beginning of time for example and when there can be no tests to verify a theory beyond Sciences' limitations, then the question at hand or theory is of no consequence to anyone because it has no meaning.


Theories with Problems