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Post InfoTOPIC: Houses for Sale in Ghent, New Bern, NC - Seeking I
Posted By: julie diane

Posted On: Jul 11, 2023
Views: 46
Houses for Sale in Ghent, New Bern, NC - Seeking I

Hello, I'm currently exploring the real estate market in Ghent, New Bern, NC, and would love to gather some insights from those familiar with the area. I've noticed several houses for sale in Ghent and would appreciate any information or experiences you can share about this neighborhood. What are the key highlights and attractions of living in Ghent? Are there any particular streets or areas within Ghent that are highly desirable more detail? Additionally, any tips on working with local real estate agents or resources to find the most up-to-date listings would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your valuable input and guidance!


Devimon's Lair