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Post InfoTOPIC: what about the damsel in distress?
Posted By: Kaiser

Posted On: Jun 21, 2002
Views: 605
what about the damsel in distress?

I cannot, off the top of my head, think of a single RPG I've played where the hero/heroes do not rescue a damsel in distress (usually a princess) at least once during the course of the adventure [often, they end up rescuing the same damsel several times.]

Posted By: Iante

Posted On: Jun 22, 2002
Views: 601
RE: what about the damsel in distress?

Its always the same. a group of heroes must go out and rescue the princess/sister/lover of the hero. Why can't they ever rescue the hero, instead?

Posted By: yo

Posted On: Jun 22, 2002
Views: 597
RE: what about the damsel in distress?

If the princess saved the hero, then the hero wouldent be the hero the rincess would. It wouldent make sence if a highly princess saved some random gye without a life accept being called the hero wile not being one.


RPG Classics