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Post InfoTOPIC: Questionnaire about Doro and her music
Posted By: Silke Hellwig

Posted On: Jul 18, 2006
Views: 1333
Questionnaire about Doro and her music


for sure you are wonding about this topic, but let me explain, the idea of this topic.
My Name is Silke Hellwig, I am 17 years old and coming from Munich/Germany. I am a big Doro-Pesch-Fan, and that's why I did a questionnaire about Doro and her music. I will give her the report of the questionnaire at July 29th at the Tobacco Rock Festival. It is meant as a special gift for her. I would be glad if you could send the answered questions back to me till July 22th. It would be really great to reach fans of foreign countries also.
I am sure Doro would be very happy to see your answers, so please send them back to me.
You can be sure, that IÂ’ll give you a feedback about Doros reaction on all those answers.
Because I know that you are Italian I have translated the questionnaire in Italien. It would bei nice if you would give it also to other Italian fans of Doro Pesch.
Thank you very much for your time to answer the questions.

Silke Hellwig.

Here is the questionnaire:

Questionnaire about Doro and her music

I. About you:

1.1. Where are you coming from?
1.2. How old are you?
Your Answer:
1.3. What is your gender?
Your Answer:

II. About Doro's music:

2.1. Since when do you listen to Doro's music?
Your Answer:

2.2. How do you get in contact with Doro's music?
Your Answer:

2.3. How many and which records/CDs of her do you have (please also note down the ones of Warlock)?

2.4. Do you also own her DVDs?
Your Answer:

2.5. Would you buy a DVD of the "Warrior Soul"-Tour?
Your Answer:

2.6. Have you already heard that she acts in the film "Anuk - Der Weg des Kriegers" (=the way of the warrior) and that she has written the song "Warrior Soul" for it? What do you think about this project? Will you go to see the film?
Your Answer:

2.7. Could you imagine that Doro would give up to make music up for being an actress?
Your Answer:

2.8. Have you ever been on a concert of her? If yes there and then (it mustnÂ’t be the exact date only approximately)?
Your Answer:

If you have already been on a Doro Concert:
a) Do you remember some songs, which have been played, if yes which songs?
Your Answer:

b) How was the atmosphere at the concert? Do you sang and clapped your hands along?
Your Answer:

If you have never been on a concert of her:
a) Why are you never been on an concert?
Your Answer:

2.9. Which song is an absolute “MUST HAVE” on any concert of her?
Your Answer:

2.10. What is the "Special" thing about Doro for you?
Your Answer:

2.11. What do you prefer:
a) her German or her English songs?
Your Answer:

b) her ballads or her rock songs?
Your Answer:

2.12. What do you think about the mix of quick & slow and German & English songs on her albums?
Your Answer:

2.13. Two years ago Doro has made music with the "Classic Night Orchestra", and were also on tour with that orchestra. She al Doro published this tour on DVD and the songs with the orchestra on her CD "Classic Diamonds".
a) Do you have already heard about it? Do you know the songs? What do you think about the collaboration with the orchestra?
Your Answer:

b) Did some of her songs (maybe some special) benefited of the orchestra?
Your Answer:

c) Do you miss something on this songs?
Your Answer:

2.14. I will say you now IÂ’ll give you now 10 Dorosongs. I would be glad if you would write what each song means for YOU if you listen to it.
What do you think was Doros inspiration when she was writing it?
What do you think is Doros message in that song?
Do you like it? If not please tell me why.
How much do you like the song?
If you donÂ’t know the song please feel free to make a short note.

a) "All we are":
Your Answer:

b) "Für Immer":
Your Answer:

c) "Love me in Black":
Your Answer:

d) "Fight":
Your Answer:

e) "Burning the Witches":
Your Answer:

f) "Above the Ashes":
Your Answer:

g) "I Rule The Ruins":
Your Answer:

h) "Ceremony":
Your Answer:

i) "Hoffnung":
Your Answer:

j) Please take a song of your choice (feel free to take more songs) and tell me about the song, in the same way as those on the top: What do you think was Doros inspiration when she was writing it? What do you think is Doros message in that song,.......:
Your Answer:

2.15. Which one is/are your favorite Doro album/s (please tell me the reason)?
Your Answer:

2.16. What is/are your favorite Doro song/s and why?
Your Answer:

2.17. Her music is very varying.
a) What do you like on her music?
Your Answer:

b) Is there also something, that you donÂ’t like?
Your Answer:

2.18. Some of Doro's have a very clear message.
a) Did one of her songs ever helped you in a difficult situation?
Your Answer:

b) Has one of her songs ever made you cry?
Your Answer:

c) Is there another emotional moment with Doro's music in your life?
Your Answer:

2.19. In the internet I have often read that many people marry to "Für Immer".
a) Do you know someone who has married to "Für Immer"?
Your Answer:

b) Would you like to marry to "Für Immer"?
Your Answer:

2.20. Tell me five words that pops into your mind, when you think on Doro's music and her songs:

2.21. The Finnish Rock/Metalband Lordi has won the Grand Prix de Eurovision this year. The Grand Prix is a European song contest. Should Doro take part in it next year? Do you think she would have a chance to win? What kind of song and show should she choose? Do you think, it is a good or a bad idea?
Your Answer:

2.22. Do you want to say something else to Doro's music?
Your Answer:

III. Doro as singer

3.1. Why are you a fan of Doro?
Your Answer:

3.2. Do you have an autograph of Doro?
Your Answer:

a) If yes: Wherefrom?
Your Answer:

b) If no: Would you like to have one?
Your Answer:

3.3. Did you ever met Doro? What was your impression about her personality?
Your Answer:

3.4. Do you have fanstuff of her? If yes, what?
Your Answer:

3.5. Doro is known as to be very close to her fans and nice. What do you think about this?
Your Answer:

3.6. Tell me five words that pops in your mind, when you think on as singer:

3.7. What do you like and what do you disslike on Doro, her style, her way to be, her voice, etc.?
Your Answer:

3.8. Doro has dedicated her song "You're my family" to her fans.
a) What do you think about this?
Your Answer:

b) Do you think Doro wishes for to have a "real familiy" (a husband, children...)?
Your Answer:

3.9. What do you think, why makes Doro music?
Your Answer:
3.10. What do you think, why is Doro after more than 20 years still on stage so famous and has so many fans?
Your Answer:

3.11. Do you still want to say something to Doro as singer?
Your Answer:

IV. Doro as person:

4.1. What kind of person is Doro, what do you think?
Your Answer:

4.2. Doro pleads for Peta (an animal rights group more informations here: Do you have heard of it or read up of it? Have you maybe changed something in your life because of it?
Your Answer:

4.3. Do you know something about other projects, Doro stands for?
Your Answer:

Here some questions there you have to GUESS because you nearly can't know it:

4. Do you think Doro belives in:
a) aliens: Yes / No
b) the love: Yes / No
c) her fans: Yes / No
d) god: Yes / No
e) a higher power: Yes / No
f) witches: Yes / No
g) other mythical creatures (fantasy creatures): Yes / No
h) the magic: Yes / No
i) reincarnation: Yes / No
j) the paradise: Yes / No

4.5. Do you think that Doro was good at school?
Your Answer:

4.6. What do you think was at school Doro's most
a) disslikes subject:
b) loved subject:

4.7. What do you think, is her greatest dream?
Your Answer:

4.8. What do you think, how much books have Doro already read?
Your Answer:

4.9. What could be Doro's favourite book?
Your Answer:

4.10. What her favourite movie?
Your Answer:

4.11. Her favourite song?
Your Answer:

4.12. Her favourite band (without DORO and Warlock)?
Your Answer:

4.13. Her favourite color?
Your Answer:

4.14. What season prefers Doro: the spring, the summer, the autumn or the winter?
Your Answer:

4.15. Imagine you had to create a boy-friend for Doro, how would he be?
Your Answer:

4.16. What is typical for the personality Doro?
Your Answer:

4.17. Imagine you could be Doro for a day, what would you undertake?
Your Answer:

4.18. Imagine you had won a weekend with Doro that you could organize whatever you want, money don't matters. Where would you go with Doro? What would you undertake with her?
Your Answer:

4.19. Is there something special about Doro that you wanted to know?
Your Answer:

4.20. Do you still want so say something about Doro as person?
Your Answer:

V. Some last questions:

I will ask you now some last things concerning what you maybe want so say to Doro and something like that. I will give them to Doro. If you wish, that I give the questions to her with your name, your age, your country and your city, please feel free to tell me, if you don't tell them to me, I will give it to her anonymously. Your answers on the questions on top will for sure stay secret.


5.1. Imagine you could Doro ask some questions, what would you ask?
Your Answer:

5.2. Do you have an advice for Doro?
Your Answer:

5.3. Do you wish something for Doro?
Your Answer:

5.4. Have you belated birthday congratulations for her?
Your Answer:

5.5. Do you want to say Doro something?
Your Answer:

5.6. Is there something else that you want to say?
Your Answer:

Just for me:

1. What do you think about the questions? Are they good? What could I make better? Was it fun to answer them?
Your Answer:

2. What do you think about this project?
Your Answer:

Thank you very much for time you spended for answering the questions.
Now you just have to send the questionnaire to me: .


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