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Post InfoTOPIC: Simply Amazing
Posted By: Kevin Lane

Posted On: Dec 3, 2008
Views: 1213
Simply Amazing

First, I would like to say that I was completely dumbfounded when I typed in "theories meaning of life" into Google that I found this website so quickly. I have rarely been so quickly and perfectly satisfied. This website was everything I was searching for. As I am still very young (only 18; a freshman at the University of Michigan) I have just begun to realize the signifance, beauty, complexity, and importance of life and the universe itself. This website provides detailed insight into nearly every interesting topic I wish to explore. While I was reading through this website I found it very interesting how many of my personal ideas and opinions of these subjects were in perfect unison with Keith's. While I certainly did not agree with "all" of the information presented in this website, that is perfectly okay and expected. This brings up another interesting point I would like to make. I do not understand why people (such as others who have commented on this website)can get so heated and angry at each other for believing different ideas. Why does it matter to that someone else believes something differently than you? I believe this is one of the major problems plauging society today. While, of course, discussion and debate is needed in order to progress and evolve it simply does no good to "fight" and argue without reason over these topics. Why can't we all just marvel in the universe we live in and the fact we are alive at all and discuss these fascinating subjects logically and with maturity. But anyways sorry for the sidetrack there, I just thought it was necessary to make this point. I would just like to thank you Keith for creating this wonderful website. You have broadaned my way of thinking and helped reinforce ideas I already had about our universe. Once again, thanks and keep up the good work!


Theories with Problems