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Post InfoTOPIC: 2004: The Future is Here.
Posted By: Ali Karim Bey

Posted On: Dec 31, 2002
Views: 579
2004: The Future is Here.

MyDD, et al,

These polls do not matter. Listen to me now, and Believe me later.

1. JFK will win. (There is no one who can beat him. JFK is Al Gore + Bill Clinton + Hillary Clinton. Hungry and he will do what it takes to win.)

2. Bush will start going down since Jan. Bush has no way out other than dumping Cheney and getting Condi. If Condi is not a VP, then Bush loses.

So, you all Demos out there: Wish:

1. JFK to win the nomination.
2. Bush still has Cheney as VP.

Then, and only then,

3. President JFK (with VP being either Vilsack, Lewis, or Edwards).


PS: Dean is not running for Pres. He wants a VP. He will be at HHS. Edwards is not running for Pres. He wants a VP. He may or may not get that. He will be AG in JFK admin. most likely.