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Posted By: Michael

Posted On: Apr 14, 2003
Views: 674
Worst ever

Those n64 zelda games were lame. A disgrace when actually compared to the NES and SNES games.

It really makes me mad when I consider how the FF series kept getting better while the Zelda series kept getting worse after Zelda 3

Posted By: Roanix

Posted On: Apr 14, 2003
Views: 669
RE: Worst ever

Now, Majora's Mask wasn't the best, but Ocarina of Time was just amazing. It just improved on every aspect of Link to the Past, which was great itself: music, graphics, controls, replayability, etc. At least ocarina had a storyline, LttP was nothing.

Posted By: Sylvan Elf

Posted On: Apr 14, 2003
Views: 664
RE: Worst ever

No... the Adventures of Link was the worst ever. Most Zelda fans refuse to even acknowledge it exists (what was I just talking about?). Ocarina of Time was great. I would have preferred a different ending, but it was still an awesome game. Majora's Mask wasn't very good. It wasn't horrible, but the subquests were far more interesting than the main plot, and that bothered me.

Posted By: Gekigangaa

Posted On: Apr 15, 2003
Views: 653
RE: RE: Worst ever

I'm in agreement with the guy right above me, although I'm not sure about the ending since I don't really remember how it ended :P. One thing that annoyed me about the series though is the fact that one of the classic elements was taken away. What happened to the laser-shooting sword?

Off Topic:
I don't want to start a whole off-topic conversation here, but I have to say I disagree with the first guy almost 100% on the FF thing.

Posted By: Unknokwn

Posted On: Apr 15, 2003
Views: 639
RE: Worst ever

Adventures of Link was the worst. Ocorina of Time was really fun, Majora's Mask lost my interest, Link to the Past was also really fun. I also liked the laser sword thingy. The FF series did not get better and better.

Posted By: Sylvan Elf

Posted On: Apr 18, 2003
Views: 612
RE: Worst ever

Alot of FF games did get better... but not all of them, and I'm not sure I would put any of the games above VI, though I might rank some of them about the same.