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Posted By: Worried

Posted On: Dec 2, 2003
Views: 722
Tragedy is a coming

Mengistu ruled with fear tactics for 17 years. He became the champion of Ethiopian unity in his mind, and in the minds of the naive and fooled. He didn't take Nakfa when he could have because he didn't know what he would say if Ethiopia had no war to fight any more. He was comfortable in war than in peace because he was incompetent in both but could always blame generals and colonels for being beaten and kill them any time. As long as there was war, he knew he could pretend to be the saviour of Ethiopia.

And now Woyane wants to be a champion of Ethiopian unity. Woyane has never been Ethiopian. Every Ethiopian child and adult knows that. Woyane wants to rule over Ethiopia with fear tactics once again. If there is no enemy to threaten national security, Woyane creates one. Desperate to cling to power.

Ethiopians know they are now second class citizens in their own country since 1991. And that is the truth. Some relatives and members of TPLF are living large at Ethiopia's expense and their way of doing business is unheard of and pure banditry to the most part. Some of them are still so ethno-centric that they just wish other Ethiopians haven't noticed how a ttassa-bet owner Tigriyan in certain town had become the owner of the town in just a couple of years.

That is what Ethiopians know and talk about behind the backs of the Tigrayans everywhere in Ethiopia regardless of ethnic, gender and religion.

Ethiopians tried to justify and tolerate the greed of Tigrayans with "sishom yalbela sishar yikochewal" but this is too much. And Assab is not going to come back as long as TPLF is in power and they know if push came to shove the Tigrayans will once again switch sides and stand for Eritrea.

It is time for change but how? 15 million are begging for food while TPLF companies make a few greedy Tigrayans rich and the soil poor with potassium fertilisers.

Ethiopia will beg until TPLF decides to remove itself from power? That is the 5 year, the 10 year and the 100 year economic plan of TPLF and a few HODAMS like Indrias Eshete and Kifle Wedajo and those selfish people that choose to follow their footsteps are determined to eat while it lasts and die out.

I know hundreds of Ethiopians but I've yet to meet a single Ethiopian who doesn't know what TPLF is doing, unless he/she is ethnocentric Tigrayan of course.

The paranoia of TPLF on this forum is off the target. All Ethiopians all over Ethiopia really know where the borrowed money is going to and they are getting bitter about being laid off and thrown into jails just because they are not Tigrayans. It is not just the Oromos or the southern.

Underestimating leads to a tragic downfall. Divide and rule doesn't work the way TPLF cadres under Oromo or European names are doing it here. Ethiopians are dying of hunger and HIV/AIDS because they don't have an Ethiopian government.

How can Tigrayans be so stupid and lead Ethiopians to a certain tragedy like this? According to them, if they eat two humbergers, the hungry Ethiopian in Desse has eaten one and them one and the guy in Desse should be happy for them because they are not derg!

How can they be so stupid?

Posted By: Alem

Posted On: Dec 4, 2003
Views: 707
RE: Tragedy is a coming

you seem to be from Ethiopia.
My question is why do the people not rise,why is the opposition not calling for civil disobedience ?
Ethiopians must free themselves from woyanes, no other people or God will do that for them.
I heard about a million Ethiopians go to the streets last sunday to watch the "great Ethiopian run", they could have marched together to the menelik palace after the race,just a five minutes walk and occupied the building, and imprisoned meles and co. They could have been freed an hour later. Why did not they learn from Georgia ?

Probably the Ethiopian people are manipulated by bbc,voa and the german radio, imagine millions listen to them every day !What a scandal !
We should call to boycott them !
There are hundreds of thousands of hiv positive people in addis alone, they are victims of meles. He was responsible for their infection, why do not they pay him back ?
Ethiopians should stop their passiveness. It is better to die fighting meles than to die of aids.

Posted By: Tazabi Neberku

Posted On: Dec 6, 2003
Views: 691
Jalata spoke in response to OLF's nonsense

Bravo OLF! It is good that you wrote more on the manifesto you issued last week. That may help you learn from the young generation of Ethiopians whom you scoff as "young Nefthegnas ... blubbering about subject they do not clearly understand". Unfortunately, it was this adamant stance not to learn from others that is leading you to your grave. Don't shy away polimics because it will help you to grow. Shying away from polimics is reminiscent of organisations that turned dictators after they became rulers. One typical example is EPLF, your source of insperation and model organisation. If you are ready to learn, we will give you enough food for thought. Reflect on the following.

As usual we met at one of the coffee houses at Arat Killo yesterday. Jalata and Chalii were there. Hadgu, Senait and several others were there. Gemeda was absent. In the middle of a hot chat about Ethiopia, Jalata took out a page from his brief case and put it on the table. Senait piked it up and started reading it loud to all of us. It was a print-out of a short article posted by OLF a.k.a. Zeqargachew Aseged. The article is available above on this same page. After Senait finished reading it, Jalata started commenting on it line by line. We were laughing and laughing as Jalata tore apart OLF's article into shreads. At the end of his comment and our applaud, we realised that there were hundreds of people listening to him in amazement. In addition to continuous cheering noise and clapping during Jalata's outstanding comments, the Caffee house was lit by standing ovation as he concluded. This was accompanied by lots of hugging and shaking of hands.

What did Jalata say and why was he cheered so much? In brief, this is what I noted down when he spoke. I promise to write at length in detail.

1. OLF's leaders are old and not in tune with existing world situation

Getting old is a reality and cannot be avoided. Old age has its own disadvantages in both physical and mental respects. One such disadvantage is rigidity, inflexibility and inadaptability to changing circumstances. Not only individuals age, organisations also age. After all, organisations are nothing without leaders. If organisations are not constantly reinfoced by young leaders, the old will kill it as its leaders die a natural or political death. That is what OLF is facing today. (Applaud)

As former members of OLF, my friends and myself tried to free the organisation from its old leaders. Leadership in OLF is like a dynasty and the old who are proud to have founded it are unwilling to give responsibility to young leaders. Hence, differences that cannot be narrowed down emerged and forced some of us to leave it while the old continued to control it. Blackmailing those who left is very common. For non-Oromo Ethiopians, OLF uses the expression neo-Nefthagnas and for Oromos they have several other names. The main objective of OLF's blackmailing is to marginalize those who think differently or oppose its aged leaders. The fact about OLF leaders is that they were former Dergue supporter communists that were involved in the so called Red Terror and later on in a coup d'Etat to remove Dergue and become a government. When they failed to achieve this they turned to extrimist EPLF type nationalism with undelying objective of creating a separate state to become its leaders. To achieve this OLF was and still is involved in both national and international terrorism. Despite its longstanding efforts, however, OLF had not achieved its goal of creating a political space for its leaders. It does not likely seem to achieve it because it follows a wrong and outdated political line. It is under the control of old people with old mode of thinking. Without throwing these junks, it is certain that OLF will further slide back and disappear from politics. (Applaud)

Whoever leads OLF, it must know thet it cannot move an inch without due respect to all Ethiopians. It cannot abuse the Ethiopian youth including the Oromo youth and go away with it. We will not be intimidated by wrongly calling us Naftegnas or other. We will not care if the status quo is maintained or not provided life for all Ethiopians including to Oromos is better than what OLF promises. We will not care if anything OLF calls "gains" are reversed if the risk of civil war which OLF craves for is averted in Ethiopia. We will keep on writing and speaking about OLF. OLF should recognise that the future of Ethiopia is in our hand and not in its. As OLF can gather from our above writings, it must accept that it cannot talk about anything and expect us to accept it. In fact, it has a tough youth with vision and thorough understanding of the Ethiopian politics before it to deal with. OLF cannot simply say don't "blubber about a subject you don't clearly understand." From our comments above and below, OLF knows that we understand everything than it does. (Long applaud)

2. To be continued.

Posted By: Worried

Posted On: Dec 6, 2003
Views: 688
RE: Tragedy is a coming

I am asking myself the same questions, Alem. But I know it will come down to a tragic end in Ethiopia. Every Ethiopian knows the future is scary, except the obnoxous TPLF cadres that are living in their own fantasy world.

I didn't bother to finish reading the same old BS of TPLF propaganda written by Tazabi Neberku above.

The funniest thing about this same guy that writes fantacy after fantasy is that he insults the intelligence of readers and Ethiopians in general. The quality of his propaganda is so infurior that it wouldn't convince a child.

Most of the 14 billions of dollars TPLF borrowed in the name of Ethiopia has disappeared. Tigrayans are treated much better than other Ethiopians by TPLF because they are suppossed to die for TPLF thugs like Tazabi Neberku that are stealing the billions of dollars when that fearful day comes.

While 15 million Ethiopians are starving and millions more dying of HIV/AIDS, while malaria is killing people all over Ethiopia and has reached the outskirts of Bole in Addis Abeba, Tazabi Neberku is fantasizing about leading cheers in coffee houses in Addis Abeba.

Fear tactics won't work for mononic TPLF as it didn't work for Derg or OLF or EPLF. The "Golden Tigre tribe" will have to go on a gold rush in "Golden Tigray"
and leave everything they stole behind. Ethiopians have learned that people can deported en mass from Woyane.

People in Ethiopia are not laughing and cheering when greedy Tigrayans that used to beg for food pre-1991 because they are not willing to work for their money and that are now happy with the money they are stealing from Ethiopia in broad day light. Tigrayans in TPLF will never work for their money now or in the next 100 years. They can always steal or beg.

People of Ethiopia have nothing to cheer for. They are suffering under Tigrayan Apartheid. They now hate Tigrayans in general, thanks to TPLF's evil deeds. They call Tigrayans "rattle snakes".

And I'm worried.

Posted By: Tazabi Neberku

Posted On: Dec 7, 2003
Views: 686
OLF, colonialism and self-determination


2. OLF, colonialism and self-determination

For the first time in its history of existence, OLF accepted that self-determination is a controversial issue. The fact that it accepted self-determination as controversial is a step forward. Earlier on it was telling us that self-determination is a universally accepted principle. We knew that OLF was deliberately lying. After accepting the controversial nature of self-determination and its limited application to colonial situation, it tried to make a case of colonialism in Ethiopia. This is OLF's second lie. The historical, political and economic conditions that were essential for the existence of colonialism never emerged in Ethiopia as OLF alleges. Even assuming that colonialism existed in the late 20th century Ethiopia, is OLF demanding self-determination for what happened hundred years ago? Or is OLF alleging that colonialism exists in Ethiopia today for self-determination to apply? If so, who is the coloniser and colonised in present day Ethiopia? We say there was no colonialism in Ethiopia hundred years ago or today. If OLF has a reply to this, tell him to write more. But we don't think it has anything to say. (Long clapping)

When confronted with the limited applicability of self-determination to colonial condition, it calls the aid of some scolars that support the application of self-determination when a "distinct group of people (ethnic, nation) want to determine their political fate". WOW! (Long laughter) What a theoretical blunder? What is your supporting evidence for this? At least give us a name of a scholar who said it. If this is the way OLF understands the possible application of self-determination in situations other than colonialism, it is an absolute disaster. We are surprised as to how people can be easily dragged to war by false claims and lies. If the Oromo people are dragged to war by listening what OLF says above, it is not only a blunder but the greatest crime of humanity. (Clapping)

Unlike what OLF says, the relevant source of self-determination the United Nations Charter and other UN related instruments. It refered to this right in four articles of the Charter in relation to colonies and dependent territories. None of the articles referred to ethnic groups or nations. They referred only to people which they had not defined. None of the articles established rights or binding obligations. The UN identified seventy two dependent or non-self governing territories all of which had their independence. The 1960 UN resolution entitled the Declaration of Independence to Colonial communities and Peoples and Friendly Relations Declaration of 1970 also refer to self-determination again limited to a colonial context. Other two UN related human rights covenants also refer to the right to self-determination, but none gave rise to the interpretation of applying the principle under all situations. Furthermore, one can refer to UN resolution 1541 (XV) as allowing the right self-determination to apply to "every territory." This last understanding namely the application of the right to self-determination to 'every territory" is rejected in favour of territrorial integrity of states by subsequent UN clarifications on the issue. The facts being these, OLF's attept to look for support scholars to save its cry for self-determination is understandable. Self-determination is the only means it found to create a poltical space for itself. (Clapping)

In passing, it is worth mentioning the place of scholars to establish certain facts in national and international relations. The global system functions on the basis of conventions, custom and general principles recognised by states. Writings of scholars play only subsidiary role. Scholars teach, do research and consultancy, etc. but their role to decide who is right and wrong in international politics is limited. No convention, custom or general principles leading national and international relations support the right to self-determination in the world in the history of mankind. If OLF refers to some Eritrean, European, North american and Oromo scholars that argue self-determination should apply to Oromos, would Ethiopians and the international community accept them? We don't think so simply because it is contrary to the international practice sanctioning stability and continuity of states. (Clapping)

OLF alleges "[I]n our conditions, the Oromos and other southern peoples prefer the first interpretation, and the Abysinians (Amhara-Tigrai) who greatly benefit from the union, prefer the second interpretation." WOW! (Loud laughter) Where and when did Oromos spoke that they prefer self-determination? Who are the southern peoples? If OLF thinks it is the Oromo people by itself, it is under great illusion. You are entirely different entities operating differently. Similar questions can be raised with respect to Amharas and Tigreans. Where and when did they say they want unity and what's wrong with that? These people essentially contributed to the creation of present day Ethiopia and there is nothing wrong to work to keep the country together. Are these people that OLF calls present day colonialists? If so, who held OLF not to take its case to the UN and get independence? The truth is no Ethiopian will succumb to OLF's blackmail and let people and territory fall in the hands of few power hungry elites. It is every Ethiopian's duty to stand against separatism and discharge his/her national and international obligation. (Standing ovation)

Posted By: Observer

Posted On: Feb 13, 2004
Views: 633
RE: Tragedy is a coming

No doubt tragedy is coming to Ethiopia. All speakers at the Ethiopian Economic Association's vision 2020 conference predicated, if things continue as they are, it is highly doubtful that there will be a nation called Ethiopia by 2020. So what is the solution ? The reason for our predicament according to many Ethiopians including the intellectual elite is foreign sources like the USA, Eritrea, UK Europe, the White man, TPLF, OLF etc. The problem is not foreign forces though they may have contribution, but the main culprit is the individual Ethiopian. The average Ethiopian today is unfit to live in modern society. Look around you and can you think of any Ethiopia who is just will not tilt justice to his side who will not abuse authority who is willing to abide by a rule of law even if occasionally the rules go against his/her interest ? Is the average Ethiopian objective in his/her assessment of realty around them. We all like to hear stories about how wonderful we are. How beautiful our women are, how independent minded we are, etc. But we do not want to confront the devil in us. We hear time and time again that the enemy is poverty, natural disaster, foreign elements etc. In realty the enemy is us. First admit the cause of the problem is us. It takes a unique kind of courage to admit that. More courage than go to war. That in itself is solving half of the problem. Then we know how to fix it.
What is the problem
- The pompous Ethiopian who feels they are the center of the world
- The Ethiopian who is always looking for a short cut to be rich by robbing the community
- The Ethiopian who has no regard for the common good (this includes everybody)
- The Ethiopian who is full of himself thinking we have made it because we have 3000 years history etc.
- The Ethiopian who is accepting bribe
- The Ethiopian giving bribe
- The Ethiopian ----------

Posted By: Jilcha

Posted On: Mar 21, 2004
Views: 625
RE: Tragedy is a coming

Whether you would like to admit it or not the Oromo ppl...meaning the real Oromos excluding puppet organization followers such as OPDO are 100% behind the OLF.The Oromos do not fear tragedy because we have seen the worst of it in the past thanks to hebasha regimes.Tragedy has already come for us.We have gone thru ethnic cleansing,slavery,discrimination and many horrible "tragic" crimes.The Oromos want to and will seperate from so called Ethiopia.We have never accepted the name and we never will.The name itself is an insult.Ethio-pia in greek means burnt face.The country has no positive history.The country was built on lies and violence.I am 15 years of age.I am not too "old" to move with the times.The Oromo children will follow in the footsteps of their mothers and fathers.Your hopes of focusing on the next generation and becoming united will blow up in your face.You neglected us.Mistreated us to the worst degrees,tried to kill our culture and language.NONE of these plans worked.Now you wanna unite.As you said...WOW!(laughter)OLF is the mouth of the Oromos and everbody is going to have to accept it.injiffano ummata oromoof!!victory to the oromo ppl!!!


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