LIFE THEORY -> ALIENSStart A New Topic | Reply
Posted By: ostridge

Posted On: Nov 10, 2003
Views: 1154

I know this may sound like I'm a crazy skizo nerd moron, but I've collected info over the past years, and i no which is bull and what is real, and i think that we all are descendants of the inhabitants of MARS. Billions of years ago, Mars was like our planet. But, just like our planet, the inhabitants set their planet on a path to doom. The atmosphere mutated and deformed making it impossible for the aliens to live. The world turned Mars into a desert wasteland like it is today, and the aliens left. Wanting to continue their legacy, they created an atmosphere on this palnet and put tiny bacterium on it, which slowly evolved, finally coming to us. And now, we're destroying our planet, and they're trying to warn us with all the abductions and crop circles. And they are even trying to abduct women and take eggs from them, and then make a new hybrid to try again on another planet. So, basically, they are giving up on us, and I hate to say it but our planet is doomed.

k bye

Posted By: jmac88

Posted On: Nov 11, 2003
Views: 1125

OK, So let me get this straight. You believe that we are descendants from Mars folk that existed quite a number of years ago. And they kind of "planted" some Earthling seeds so they could grow them some Earth people to carry on their legacy.? Nice. And just where are these ancestors of ours staying in the time being? I mean they have to be camping out somewhere in order to occasionally stop by and see how their garden grows. And if they found a place that would accomodate them for the many many years that they must have been while we take our sweet-ass time to do this "evolution" thing, well wouldn't they just call that place home instead of waiting for us to finish baking over here on Planet Earth?
But let's be EXTREMELY generous and say you're on to something : How, if this race of aliens has mastered the art of actually changing planets on which to live on, not unlike us changing hotel rooms because the air -conditioner doesn't work properly in our original room, how is coming here during the cover of darkness and doing donuts in Old Man Johnson's wheat field and bending over his plants in such a way that from the air it makes a cute little design, supposed to convey the message to us to quit polluting and quit cutting down the Rain Forest and quit killing the population of animals and reptiles and plants because they are dangerously close to being gone forever? Why would this highly intelligent group , intelligent enough to master fueless flight from planet to planet, and intelligent enough to stay in existance for millions of years , why would "Field Graffiti" be their choice of sending us a warning? Shouldn't they just show up some night in Vegas (very easy to locate at night because of the lights) or at a outdoor sporting event where they can see a lot of activity and people are gathered together, and simply use a P/A system to give us a "shout out" about how we'd better get our **** together because we're really messing things up here by being careless with our resources? Also , if they are trying to abduct our women to help in their quest to continue their existance, why are they picking the women that live in Booger Hollow Arkansas instead of some mighty fine pieces of flesh that pepper our planet elsewhere around this planet? Just curious about some of the things that I view as holes in your whole belief. But, you may be exactly right , I mean who the hell am I to question>

Posted By: JellBean

Posted On: Nov 11, 2003
Views: 1119

My TinFoil Helmet is loose.

Posted By: jmac88

Posted On: Nov 11, 2003
Views: 1117

Just wiggle it.
Or get a new chin-strap.

Posted By: khouri

Posted On: Nov 11, 2003
Views: 1108

I'd buy that maybe there was a hunk o' living martian goo stuck to a rock (or froze in some ice or some crap - not literal crapcrap, but crap-) that jettisoned Mars due to comet impact or something...and that asteroid landed on this planet and maybe the goo grew and eventually turned into folk...kinda like a Martian chia pet...but actual beings that split the Martian scene to end up here? While it sounds like something "we" would do (oops...well, we screwed up this planet...better move on - See Non Sequitur 11/11/03), I dunno....

Posted By: chris b

Posted On: Nov 11, 2003
Views: 1098

so their warnings consist of funky swirlies in the wheat fields and severe anal probing? and this is supposed to be interpreted as "save the planet?"

Posted By: Pinko

Posted On: Nov 11, 2003
Views: 1088

Occam's Razor: Wherever there are two or more explanations for the same event, the simplest explanation is probably the most accurate.
If we already have life on Earth, why the hell do we have to say (with no evidence) that it came from Mars? Doesn't that beg the question "Where did Mars get life?" Jupiter? Then Saturn?
Do we have to go to Pluto to make life plausible right here?

Posted By: JellyBean

Posted On: Nov 12, 2003
Views: 1080

Pinko, the great reducer! Great point; it's why are we here, not why are we here, from Mars.

Posted By: spazo

Posted On: Nov 12, 2003
Views: 1071

The "funky swirlies" are pictures of the cosmos. They aren't just random disigns. They are either pictures of the solar system without our planet on it, or they are stuggling desperatly to contact us with their own written language. As for where wre they staying without a planet? Oh, somewhere orbiting around venus, or maybe their old planet. The most likely come from Mars because that planet has shown that it may have had water on its surface, and it has polar ice caps. Also, There have been pictures taken by various space telescopes showing pyramidical landmasses that just HAPPENED to be in an exact, perfect, impeccible triangle. Also, there has also been a photo of a face like carving on the surface. If you are thinking this is all bull, then I ask you this: why did NASA immediately cover this up and label it "CONFIDENTIAL"?

Posted By: God

Posted On: Dec 14, 2003
Views: 1017

Life can be easily created right here on earth as it was about 500 million years ago in the form of a single (extremely simple) cell, which from then on just became more and more complex.
just take a biology class and you can know exactly how it happened. Start with som water add a few proteins, and strike with a bit of electicity, and presto LIFE. Its been proven.