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Post InfoTOPIC: Contradiction
Posted By: Ridler

Posted On: Feb 3, 2008
Views: 1206

On Nostradamus:
"Please feel free to register your vote and post a comment if you wish. But just take on board that if you vote "Yes" then what you are really saying is that the future has already been determined. This would mean we have no free will, no choice of actions, because what will be will be. In that case we may as well all stay in bed!"

On Time:
"Although the model we have used describing time as another dimension agrees with relativity, it does have some unfortunate consequences, it says that the future is already determined! I dislike the idea that the future may be 'already there' just waiting for us to pass over it, because if true, where does that leave destiny and freewill? (See Do we have free will?) If on the other hand the future is not already there, then where does that leave the special theory of relativity ? If time is 'real' in the same way that the other three dimensions are real, this would indicate that it does exists and is there waiting for our consciousness 'to move over it'. How much flexibility that allows for the future I do not know, but I must confess I don't like the sound of it."

Sorry-and I'm not here defending the Nostradamus case-but this contradictory discourse just opens room for not being so definitive about Nostradamus, don't you think?
Otherwise, we are just talking about what about the things that we want to believe (i.e.: "I want to believe in free will") and not about the evidence. And you can not bash Nostradamus for the lack of rational evidence regarding its prophecies and, then, lacking rationality all the same when "disliking" the idea that the future is already there. (yes, good idea: let's just say that the special theory of relativity is right, but Nostradamus MUST be wrong! Even if they are on the same side of the fence...)

Posted By: Keith Mayes

Posted On: Feb 4, 2008
Views: 1202
RE: Contradiction

I see that as with my article on Infinity you are again having a problem with comprehension.
I do not profess to know all there is to know and many of my topics are left open to the reader to draw their own conclusions. However I do not contradict myself as you have stated.

In my summary on Time I say "The truth of the matter is yet to be revealed, but personally, I have trouble in accepting the idea of the future being fixed, I believe that I exercise free will."
This statement does not contradict anything I say regarding making prophecies, quite the reverse to be exact!

You really should be more careful in your attempts to constantly fault me.
Is it because you think that YOU do know it all?

And yes, I can 'bash Nostradamus'. There is no evidence to support that he ever made a correct prophecy. He may have got one or two lucky guesses right, but from all the thousands of 'prophecies' he made then statistically that is only to be expected. My article on the subject explains in detail how his 'prophecies' are very loosely interpreted after the event to make them sort of kind of maybe perhaps fit, sort of thing, if read this way in that light with this meaning ....etc. Blah blah blah. No different from today's horoscopes... "you are shy but on occasion when necessary can be bold..." (Yawn).

Its pure nonsense and not honestly worth discussing.

One last point, Einstein and Nostradamus are NOT on the same side of the fence as you put it. How can you compare one of our greatest scientists with a man who through his near endless almost incoherent ramblings thought he could tell the future? Even if, and note the word IF, the future is set, that does not imply that anyone can read it!

Your logic is seriously flawed.

Posted By: Ridler

Posted On: Feb 4, 2008
Views: 1193
RE: Contradiction

For Christ's sake:

Do you suffer from some form of delusional paranoia?
I'm just having an argument! I'm not trying to fault you!

It's not your believe in free will that is at the core of your contradiction! I never stated that!

What I say is this: you think that special relativity theory must be right (even if you don't like it, because it threatens your believe in free will) and, so, perhaps, the future is already fixed! (even if you don't enjoy it)

But then you say, on Nostradamus, that people should be aware that if they voted "for him" then they were suggesting that the future is already "fixed"...well! wasn't precisely that what you said about time? (that Einstein theory implied that time was already "writen")

You are the one who must read more carefully what I write, don't you think?

P.S.: "On the same side of the fence". Translation: "Einstein is a time fatalist. Nostradamus is a time fatalist".
And no! I'm not comparing Einstein with Nostradamus. I'm just alerting for the inconsistency of your arguments.

Posted By: Keith Mayes

Posted On: Feb 5, 2008
Views: 1189
RE: Contradiction

You think Einstein was fatalist?
I note you chose to ignore my statement that even if the future is fixed it does not imply that anyone (Nostradamus) can 'read' it. That is what this article is all about.
You have attempted to find a contradiction between this and my article on time,(why, have you nothing better to do?) but there is no contradiction, only your misinterpretation of my written word.

Posted By: Keith Mayes

Posted On: Feb 17, 2008
Views: 1147
RE: Contradiction

Looks like he has no answer. He does this when he doesn't have an answer, see all his stupid posts under 'Infinity'. On second thoughts don't bother, what's the point?


Theories with Problems