Post InfoTOPIC: ****ING STUPID!!
Posted By: Tyler

Posted On: May 24, 2009
Views: 1416

sounds like everyone is on pot,
becoming crazy and paranoid
the world is not going to end, at least, not in our life-time.
It is ridiculous, that the world has been fine for millions of years, and has been predicted to be the same for millions more... and due to minor eggerated issues such as global warming, everyone is freaking out.
Calm the **** down, and enjoy life, cos its not gonna end in 2012 or any time near then!!!

Posted By: Keith Mayes

Posted On: May 24, 2009
Views: 1414

You're right.
The amount of ridiculous hysteria generated over 2012 is unbelievable.
No, the world will not end in 2012.

Posted By: Kevin

Posted On: Jun 5, 2009
Views: 1404

Well right, I am sure 2012 is not going to happen. I dont believe the world is going to end becuase of an ancient Mayan prediction, but I wouldnt downplay the effects of global warming and our unsustainable lifestyles. The world wont end in 2012 but I promise it will end by 2112 if we continue with our lifestyles. I mean its time for humanity to stop being so ignorant and realize that our actions now have global consequences. And Im not just talking about global warming. I mean all of our oil reserves will be gone within the century, as will all the rain forests, and the polar ice caps. Morever, the global economy is a complete joke and utterly unsustainable. Look at all the sh** happening even now How can we be so ignorant with our actions. I mean we have always been this way. When we discover new species, what do we do 90% of the time? Hunt them to extinction. When we discover new technologies what do we do? We neglect its consequences and cause many problems for millions of people. (i.e. atomic bomb, asbestos, radiation from x-rays or other electromagnetic waves etc.) Up until this point in history our ignorance has been on a small enough scale to cause only minor changes in our planets homeotic state, but now with our increased capabilities we have the power to cause drastic global changes with our technology and ignorance. How can you sit there and say humanity leads a sustainable lifestyle? Look at every other animal on this planet and how sustainable and cooperative it is with the planet and then look at us. Its embarrasing. We are the smarter animals on this planet yet we have been so ignorant and stupid as to continually poison our planet for centuries. The way we are acting now is much like a virus, and if we do not make major lifestyle changes within the next 100 years I can only imagine how terrible our lives will be.

Posted By: keke

Posted On: Feb 1, 2010
Views: 1264

I am one of those ppl who are freaking out. He predicted things that realy did happen. I DONT KNOW WHAT TO THINK AT THIS POINT!

Posted By: Keith Mayes

Posted On: Feb 2, 2010
Views: 1262

If it worries you that Nostradamus predicted the end of the world in 2012 then I have the perfect answer for you.
Go to a Nostradamus site and try and find any of his quatrains that make the prediction the world will end in 2012.
Once you have taken the trouble to do that, it will only take a few minutes, you will make a startling discovery.
He never made any such prediction.
Okay now?


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