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Posted By: Keith Mayes

Posted On: Dec 26, 2012
Views: 970
End of the World

Some silly people thought the world would end on 21st Dec 2012 because some very silly people thought because the Mayan calendar ended then and they hadn't started a new one like they usually did, it was because that was when the world would end. This is of course ignoring the fact that the Mayan race was in terminal decline at the time and they had much more important things to do, like trying to stay alive.
Some even claimed that Nostradamus predicted the same date, which is wrong because he made predictions up to the year 3797. It needs to be said that again this is not when he predicts the world will end, it just happens to be as far as he got with his predictions, all of which are in fact just a load of senseless drivel anyway.
There are many other just as wrong and just as stupid reasons given for 21st Dec, some included UFO's, the Egyptian pyramids, and other crazy notions. It's amazing the garbage some people believe in!
I am wondering when the next End of the World will be, I have lived through quite a few.
I can't help wondering how silly all those people must now feel.


Theories with Problems