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Posted By: Devon

Posted On: Jan 25, 2004
Views: 1827
moon conspericy

so were human ever on the moon? I think not!

Posted By: learn english

Posted On: Jan 25, 2004
Views: 1809
RE: moon conspericy

no we were can we just shut up about the moon

Posted By: VOid

Posted On: Jan 25, 2004
Views: 1806
RE: moon conspericy

I find it funny that someone with the name "learn english" types without captilization, or grammer.

And no, I do not believe that the moon landing back in the 60's and 70's were real. There is compelling evidence to prove that the landings were faked.

Posted By: smarter than you

Posted On: Jan 25, 2004
Views: 1798
RE: moon conspericy

apparently VOid of any intelligence.

yeah, it was faked. thousands of people worked on one big fake project, and kept it quiet for decades. Hundreds probably have passed away from old age since then, and not one of them on their death bed gave up the "big secret". The 814 pounds of moon rocks the astronauts broght back was not only a hoax, but they managed to trick thousands of US and foreign scientists from knowing the difference between moon rock and earth stones. And forget about just making one big fake moon landing - the government went all out and gave us 6 of them!!

Use your brains people!

Posted By: smarter than VOid

Posted On: Jan 25, 2004
Views: 1793
RE: moon conspericy

PS - conspiracy theorists like you take away from the hardworking, ingenious Americans who got us to the Moon, and they should be honored for their contributions...not reduced to some hypothetical pawns in some made-up grand scheme of US governemnt conspiracy and lies.

Posted By: octublogedy

Posted On: Jan 25, 2004
Views: 1789
RE: moon conspericy

listen to yourself, why would anyone waist thousands of dollars just to fake a moon landing then forgo other thousands of dollars and have a bunch of people be hushed up about it and lie to other countries that we got to the moon you people are f*cking clown shoes if i ever met you i would beat the sh*t out of you for being so stupid

Posted By: moon man

Posted On: Jan 26, 2004
Views: 1749
RE: moon conspericy

thousands? try billions!

Posted By: VOid

Posted On: Jan 26, 2004
Views: 1729
RE: moon conspericy

Actually, the only people that needed to know that it was faked, was the president of the US, the head of NASA, a few people under him, and the astronauts, anyone else, the didnt need to know. fake video images and fake rasio singals wouldnt be very hard to send. and if you truly do beleive that we landed on the moon back in the 60's and 70's, why did we suddenly stop going, and why would it take years to get NASA back to the level they were at in the 60's? We cant, and the president even amits, we couldnt send a amn to the moon tomorrow.

Anybody familiar with history would realize that when we "managed" to send a manned expidetion to the moon, it was the height of the cold war. The Soviet Union had beat us in every other aspect of space explortation. first satillite was russian, first animal to orbit the planet was in a russian rocket, first man to orbit the earth was russian. We(the US) didnt want to lose anything to the russian's so we faked it, and the russians, to this day, havent tried to put a man on the moon.

Posted By: VOid

Posted On: Jan 26, 2004
Views: 1728
RE: moon conspericy

sorry, dont mean to double post, but i almost forgot. I am of you wish to enage in an intelligent discussion over this, i hope you could be open minded and read this: http://batesmotel.8m.com/ . I knew of a better website, and i will try to find it, but in the meantime, read that website.

Posted By: void...dumbass

Posted On: Jan 27, 2004
Views: 1677
RE: moon conspericy

I swear, people who visit this site are idiots. When I read comment boards here it totally turns me off to the site. Odd Todd is funny sometimes, but everyone who posts here seems to e trying to win a popularity contest.

Hey Void... while you were acting superior poining out his bad "grammAr" not grammer, you dip ****, you made yourself look not only stupid, but also like an ass.

Todd, you're audience isn't very impressive.

Posted By: void...dumbass

Posted On: Jan 27, 2004
Views: 1676
RE: moon conspericy

Also, funny thing.

To have an "intelligent conversation" you have to have the immediate qualification of not being a dumbass. (which you don't have)

God damn, it's like people try to be pedantic, and want to assert to themselves that they're worth something...

i don't even care (no capitalization... oh God!)

A bunch of pussies. All of you.

Posted By: J-town

Posted On: Jan 28, 2004
Views: 1673
Wow..what a moron

i think an earlier poster siad it best: do you really think over 1,000 people could keep a fake moon landing a secret for over 35 years, especially in this day of tell-all books and big payoffs?

And why stop at the moon? Why not fake a Mars landing?

Seriously, does our government really look that smart (over the last 35 years?) Do you really think someone wouldn't have cashed in on it yet? Remember, there are 7 theories to the Kennedy assasination that make perfect sense; only one is correct.

Posted By: VOid

Posted On: Jan 28, 2004
Views: 1663
RE: moon conspericy

I am the dumbass? why's that? becuase i mad one small typo? I also started all of my posts insulting somebody before me. actually, the closest i got was pointing out that i thought it was funny (i.e. humorous) that somebody who tells someone else to learn english, cant spell, or use proper grammer.

I have mad no such claims that i use perfect english, i know that i have small typos, and that i dont capitalize. however, does the lack of capitalization make it any hard to read or understand my post? i doubt it.

like i alluded to earlier, how does stating MY opionion, and offering to have an intelligent conversation about it, make me a dumbass? I am not the one that comes on this site, insulting people because they have an opinion that differs from my own.

If having an opionion that if different from popular belif makes me a dumbass, then i am glad and honored to claim that title. I am a dumbass.

Posted By: VOid

Posted On: Jan 28, 2004
Views: 1659
RE: moon conspericy

Oh, and before you all jump all over me, i found some small typos in my own post.

The third sentance, "becuase i mad one small typo?" that "mad" should be a "made".

the ninth sentance, "like i alluded to earlier, how does stating....." i realize after i posted, i never actually alluded to it before, so just ignore "like i alluded to earlier,". there, that should be most of the major thing, and if there is anything else, i really couldnt care less, its not that big of a deal.

Posted By: Kiki D

Posted On: Jan 28, 2004
Views: 1656
RE: moon conspericy

As an English major, I'm just happy at the hightened awareness of proper grammar usage. :cD

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