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Post InfoTOPIC: elmo click this for an explanation.
Posted By: spazo(not elmos sister)

Posted On: Feb 16, 2004
Views: 857
elmo click this for an explanation.

you seem to have made a mistake. i am not your brother, although you might think that i am because your brother used to be spazo. but i assumed that he stopped posting as spazo a while ago, and i took his name because i couldnt think of anything else. sorry for the confusion, i knew something like this would happen sometime. thats why i said i was 13, because i am, and i guess your brother is 12. so tell your mother about this, because i dont want your brother to be getting into any trouble.

Posted By: butt face

Posted On: Feb 16, 2004
Views: 856
RE: elmo click this for an explanation.

butt your 12

Posted By: Austrailian Jack is a Dolt

Posted On: Feb 16, 2004
Views: 847
RE: elmo click this for an explanation.

I think you've actually committed a felony, Not Spazo. Stolen identity, fraud. You haven't been embezzelling or laundering any money, have you?
Way to be original. Yeah, telling everyone that you're 13 will clear EVERYTHING up, won't it? Time doesn't move on or anything. The real Spazo will never reach 13, will he/she?
Try posting under Spazina or Not Spazo.
I guess that's what you get when you let people enter their names as they go, and not hold them to one name. But, then again, it helps me bash Australian Jack anonymously, so I guess I'm not complaining. :cD

Posted By: Austrailian Jack is a Dolt

Posted On: Feb 16, 2004
Views: 846
RE: elmo click this for an explanation.

Oh, yeah. And I miss the real Spazo. He was a smart alec little twit, and he made me laugh.

Come back, Spazo!!! The real Spazo, that is.

Posted By: Your Mother

Posted On: Feb 16, 2004
Views: 838
RE: elmo click this for an explanation.

I can't believe you kids dragged this pitiful argument into another thread. Taking up more space and not even attempting to discuss this week's poll.

No dessert for either of you scamps!