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Posted By: zen

Posted On: May 16, 2004
Views: 1071
what would you plant?

if you can plant anything that will grow into a plant of that type, what would you plant?

i would plant a $100 bill, then i will have my own money tree

Posted By: Nik Ashmost

Posted On: May 16, 2004
Views: 1066
RE: what would you plant?

But the value of money would shrink so drastically because of the sudden millionaire status of just about everyone on Earth. The money plant wouldn't = riches. Just massive massive MASSIVE inflation of prices.

Posted By: Fluffybutt

Posted On: May 16, 2004
Views: 1063
RE: what would you plant?

Yup, and then Todd would be REALLY poor cause he lives in NYC and where the fruck is he supposed to plant a tree???

Posted By: mike

Posted On: May 16, 2004
Views: 1061
RE: what would you plant?

You guys don't get it...if inflation strikes you just plant another tree! Then you tell everybody else not to, and they'll believe you because you have a lot of "believe me serum" from the "believe me serum tree." Oh, and we'll support t0dd...sincew everyone else in the city will be poor he'll be really well off.

Posted By: Sure

Posted On: May 16, 2004
Views: 1056
RE: what would you plant?

Lol, that would be great Mike.

Posted By: Aurora

Posted On: May 16, 2004
Views: 1054
RE: what would you plant?

Even if inflation went up it wouldn’t affect most people. Once you bought one of something, you would never have to buy it again.

Need a new pair of jeans, plant your old ones.

Posted By: cuppajane

Posted On: May 16, 2004
Views: 1046
RE: what would you plant?

but would your new grown jeans be worn and torn like your old ones that you planted? be sure to NEVER GAIN WEIGHT! ahhhhhhhhhhh, then what would be the point of the candy bars i planted?

Posted By: A tree

Posted On: May 17, 2004
Views: 1009
RE: what would you plant?

I'd plant an oak tree. Then, when my tree of oak trees matured, I'd plant that tree. Repeat as desired.

Posted By: gilly3

Posted On: May 17, 2004
Views: 1002
RE: what would you plant?

Why would you plant a money tree? Eliminate the middle man, plant what you would've spent the money on.

Posted By: Kiki Dee

Posted On: May 17, 2004
Views: 993
RE: what would you plant?

Sure, you'd be cutting out a middle man, but planting a money tree would be so much simpler. You'd have all the money to buy whatever you desire in one tree. If you planted everything else, you'd have to have a thousand trees. Not cool. I'd stick with the money tree.

And are we sure it would grow? Some seeds are duds. And I can plant a seed from the biggest tomato in the world, but that doesn't mean that what grows is going to be an exact duplicate of what was planted. So, does that mean that if I planted a $100 bill, I might get a few $20s, and maybe a couple of $50s?

The key to this way to change the world would be:
A) Keep it a secret from the rest of the world, which wouldn't work. Think of what our land fills would look like.
2) To only make a small portion of land plantable. Say that only about a 500 acre plot of land will be able to reproduce anything that is planted. That way, you could have total control over what is planted. The only problem with that would be that you wouldn't have room to plant EVERYTHING. So, you'd have to choose between food that would feed starving people, money that would make you rich, housing that would end homelessness, body parts (hearts, lungs, kidneys, etc.) that would help the dying, etc., etc. Be selfish? Or help make the world a better place?

Posted By: Stupid

Posted On: May 19, 2004
Views: 942
RE: what would you plant?

True. Besides that, imagine all the casket-and-dead-people trees we'd have around in cemetaries stinkin' up the place. Diseases everywhere, too. When dogs bury bones in the backyard, you'd have tons of bone trees. Sewer trees, too. Too much stinky stinky.

Or, if you can't smell, you could just plant poor people and grow a poor people tree and have thousands more roaming the Earth, obligating all the companies to keep their prices low so that the poor tree people could afford stuff. Then you, with your money tree, could easily be superior to them.

Me? I'd rather plant a money azalia bush. Grow quarters and dimes instead. Loose change comes in handy when you have to park in the city.

Or buy something really rare and valueable off of eBay, and then plant it and make a really-rare-and-valueable-eBay-thing tree, and sell the really-rare-and-valueable-eBay-things over and over again.

Or save myself some time and just plant the money tree. Either way.
I forgot my point.

Posted By: Jenna Lyn

Posted On: May 19, 2004
Views: 931
RE: what would you plant?

money, duh lol