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Post InfoTOPIC: I'd plant a...
Posted By: Sure

Posted On: May 16, 2004
Views: 870
I'd plant a...

A women tree! Come on is it that hard of a choice?

Posted By: BakaKage

Posted On: May 16, 2004
Views: 860
RE: I'd plant a...

yes! a BEAUTIFUL 18 y/o tree! although it would be a waste of the chick you bury :/ And with everyone else making money trees, poor people would be en vogue, so the chicks dig you anyway. Maybe a Escalade Tree. A different color SUV for every day of the week. sweet hunh? sell the parts to get the money, and you always have that new car smell...without having to bury a living human (bury a dead chick and you would have a necrophiliac tree)

Posted By: ????

Posted On: May 16, 2004
Views: 856
RE: I'd plant a...

i thought Sure was female

Posted By: koonkiller

Posted On: May 16, 2004
Views: 854
RE: I'd plant a...

escalades are for niggas! i'd plant the grand wizard ! and see what came of that... could be cool,

Posted By: Mr. Nyo

Posted On: May 17, 2004
Views: 832
RE: I'd plant a...

Yea...I think a woman tree would be a bad choice. She'd have to be all dead & stuff if you wuz to bury her. And the SUV tree would be kinda dangerous. I mean, whose gonna pick the SUVs off he trees. And what happens when they get all ripe & stuff, and start fallin' off the trees all by themselves. That would suk. And what about insurance. Could you grow insurance trees. And how about gas trees? How would that work? Wouldn't the gas be spillin all over the ground? And how about license plates? If you was to grow a license plates tree then all your license plates would be the same number, and you'd be thrown in jail for falsifying license plates & stuff. I'm planting a beer tree, a cigarette tree, a lungs tree & a liver tree.

Posted By: Caliah

Posted On: May 17, 2004
Views: 829
RE: I'd plant a...

So would that mean our cemetaries would sprout up people trees? What about junkyards/landfills I would be full of rusty washing machine and old refridgerator trees. I don't even want to think about the kind of tree that would sprout from my cats' litter box...eeww

Posted By: BakaKage

Posted On: May 17, 2004
Views: 825
RE: I'd plant a...

Good point...ewww. "uh oh, looks like grandpas coffin is leaking" And your whole back yard is swarming with Doggie Doo trees. Speaking of dont want to stand under it when it gets ripe...whew. **** falling from sky, literally. Maybe it would look like a pretty tree, with beautiful flowers, and when it goes to open the flower and you smell it...BAM! dog poo. imagine the population of flies suddenly skyrocketing. At least murderers would be screwed. kinda hard to make a shallow grave and have it stay put when that little kids body starts sprouting off a tree. yeah, now that i think of this im feeling like its the second worst choice (aside from 0 gravity day when the natural rotation of the earth would cause everything to fly off into space)

Posted By: Fluffybutt

Posted On: May 17, 2004
Views: 818
RE: I'd plant a...

You'd just have to put all the corpses in above ground crypts. There ain't gonna be any earth to plant them in anyway since everyone is taking up all the ground planting SUV's and women and money.

Posted By: Sure

Posted On: May 18, 2004
Views: 773
RE: I'd plant a...

You all take this too seriously, but okay, if you see little cars growing on trees cut them down, same with the tree's in cemeteries. And sure the first woman you plant goes, but then you get many many more, lol.

Posted By: numbnuts, the squirrel king

Posted On: May 21, 2004
Views: 732
RE: I'd plant a...

man, if you planted a woman, first off, she would have to be alive when planted, and if she were alive, then you would have a tree of ****ed off women screaming at you and killing you for burying her alive.