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Posted By: bilnye

Posted On: May 18, 2004
Views: 734
gay marriage

I don’t think this idea will happen, at least not in the next few decades, but this may be a way to avoid the ‘issue’ of gay-marriage.

Eliminate all government acknowledgement/involvement of any marriage- gay, straight, or otherwise.

For thousands of years, marriage was a public announcement of commitment within a community of like-minded people. Inside this group, folks shared faiths, and values--standards of behavior and conduct.

In modern America, it seems that the government wants its nose in these arrangements. Why? Taxes?

Before this most recent controversy about gays “marrying”, there were many who gathered with like-minded people and the community witnessed gay people getting married.

The legal rights, and so forth: rights of next of kin, divorce settlements, child support and visitation, health care decisions, can be assigned with power of attorney and other legal documentation.

Posted By: BakaKage

Posted On: May 18, 2004
Views: 732
RE: gay marriage

Those legal procedings require courts. And one person is all it takes to have a problem, and push it up to higher courts. Some self-righteous prick who thinks they are right when no one else does. Eventually its appealed to Superior Court and then the government will have to get involved. There is no way to take the government away from the acknowledgement of marriage. Yeah, taxes is part of it, there are people who would try to pretend to be married to get tax breaks...and thats part of the gay marriage thing.

Posted By: Dave

Posted On: May 21, 2004
Views: 674
RE: gay marriage

Im all for gay marrage. I mean whats the worst that can happen? If all gay people get married than they wont want to hit on you. Cause there all married and stuff. so you will never have to worry about getting hit on by a gay dude. ROCK ON!

Posted By: Dave

Posted On: May 21, 2004
Views: 673
RE: gay marriage

And besides, why hold someone else back just based on there sexual preferences? If thats what they like. cool. Dont opress people. its a waste of time on both sides

Posted By: BakaKage

Posted On: May 22, 2004
Views: 667
RE: gay marriage

its because we already let too much slip. The ACLU would have a hayday if we legalized gay marriages. Mothers/fathers day...out the window. When one gay parent takes up a case that they feel alienated and that the holidays are politically incorrect, they will have to make the unbiased "parents day." No way around that. It will happen. Its already been pushed some time to time, and the only thing holding it back is that gay marriages aren't recognized by the government. It could be argued im using the old "slippery slope" fallacy but in short its true. Look at what has happened to so much already when the ACLU gets involved. People are stupid, and we need to do what we can to prevent stupid people from ruining everyone elses lives because they feel bad about being stupid. I think its bad enough that they allow homosexual couples to adopt children. they all say "its not my choice that im gay, i was born this way" well, i can pretty much say that when thier kids grow up they will either be gay or homophobic 80% of the time. (opinion) But you are robbing these children with the chance of having the benefit of both a mother and father (not that all children have both, or some that do have good parents, but why use that as an excuse to force other children into these homes) If you find yourself attracted to someone of the same sex, and they feel the same about you, fine whatever. But dont bring other people into it.