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Post InfoTOPIC: Just make the world fair.
Posted By: Dragonmaster

Posted On: May 19, 2004
Views: 762
Just make the world fair.

Thats what I would do. It's not on the list, ops.

I changed my E-mail address. Aparently someone got mad enuf to send me a virus. I opened up my e-mail and all of a sudden my screen shuts off. When I finaly get it on again I have C:\ flashing with a black screen. My OS and all my files are gone. I had win98se and now I have a PC that dosent work becouse I cant afford the upgrade nor can I find a coppy of win98se. My Cuzz it letting me use her pc for now.

Does anybody know how I can fix it? My problem is that all the drivers are gone. My new CD drive dosent work to take the backup disks.

Posted By: BakaKage

Posted On: May 19, 2004
Views: 757
RE: Just make the world fair.

The standard win98 boot disk (1.44 floppy) should have a basic CD support driver to allow you to install it off the CD. All in all, thats a harsh one. You will probably spend a long time getting it all back up, once you get the OS in and online, then you have to start downloading OS updates and new drivers from the host sites. wont be easy, but can be done in time. cant make the world fair. Example. I have been best friends with a girl for 5 years, and i would like to marry her. This other guy has known her 5 months, and is engaged to her now. There is no way to be fair to all people involved. Plus...if its all "fair" then people would let themselves go...if its fair then a girl that weighs 400lbs should be able to get a guy thats a supermodel. Sorry, i think its more fair that people have to work towards thier goals. How about end Prejudice and intolerance (albeit based on gender, race, religion) Thats the closest you will ever get to fair.

Posted By: no_one

Posted On: May 20, 2004
Views: 751
RE: Just make the world fair.

And don't forget about ending prejudice and intolerance to sexual orientation as well.

Posted By: Harry Pillcrusher

Posted On: May 20, 2004
Views: 743
RE: Just make the world fair.

Baka, from my own experience, a 5 month relationship that ends in an engagement is doomed from the start. If the engagement doesn't get called off, they will divorce within 2 years. I don't know how ugly you are, but maybe you can get her on the rebound.

DM, get a Mac.

Posted By: BakaKage

Posted On: May 20, 2004
Views: 738
RE: Just make the world fair.

Yeah, i kinda already had a future premonision that they will get married, then 3-5 years get divorced (should be 2, but she still has some issues with letting go of men even if they hurt her) and by that point they will probably have a kid or two :/ but at least it will mean child support, and the guy is supposedly taking over his dads steel company in a few years so she could make a killing in the child support.
and im VERY ugly. Hence the 5 years of being best friends and nothing more. All i got going for me is my personality (i enjoy being her willing bitch, whatever she says goes. if only she would use me in more fun ways) But yeah. Sadly enough ill still be waiting for her 5 years down the road when she finally gets divorced. Some women might think thats sweet. the other 90% of the world just accepts that im a nutcase

Posted By: dragonmaster

Posted On: May 20, 2004
Views: 732
RE: Just make the world fair.

Your not a nutcase. I'm waiting to die to be back with my loved one. She was the best so why bother finding someone else?

Posted By: dragonmaster

Posted On: May 20, 2004
Views: 731
RE: Just make the world fair.

Thats only part of what I think fair is. Stuff like not getting caned at work becouse you do valunteer work. Or getting cancer when you don't smoke and everybody else around you smokes but they don't get cancer. Stuff like that.

Posted By: BakaKage

Posted On: May 20, 2004
Views: 728
RE: Just make the world fair.

I guess we just both nutcases DM. So your fair is people get what they deserve. You want Karma to rule the world. Those who do evil will have evil done unto them. Those who do good, shall be rewarded. But then wheres the fun in taking risks if you know what the outcome is.

Posted By: shadrak

Posted On: May 20, 2004
Views: 726
RE: Just make the world fair.

DM heres some advice...install norton and scan emails before you open...

Posted By: Sure

Posted On: May 20, 2004
Views: 721
RE: Just make the world fair.

lol, DM you are sounding like a marxist.

Posted By: Aurora

Posted On: May 20, 2004
Views: 718
RE: Just make the world fair.

Marxist? He sounds like a modern communist?

Personally I would have pegged him as a Utilitarian.

Posted By: Sure

Posted On: May 20, 2004
Views: 715
RE: Just make the world fair.

Maybe, but communism is marxism(rather a part of it),though maybe he is just a socialist, lol, I just need to hear a littlemore about his beliefs to descide.