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Post InfoTOPIC: The most ovious one
Posted By: Matt

Posted On: May 20, 2004
Views: 1316
The most ovious one

If I could change the world I would get rid of all the anti-American Canadians. Lets just say the numbers aren't on your side. You people are all talk, and you have been for 300-some years so kiss my ass.

Posted By: Matt

Posted On: May 20, 2004
Views: 1305
RE: The most ovious one

And backround music, I am sorry.

Posted By: Aurora

Posted On: May 20, 2004
Views: 1302
RE: The most ovious one

300 some odd years eh? Well you certainly cannot be talking about Canadians then.

Even if you get rid of the Canadians that hate America, you will still have to deal with all the other nationalities. I would like to think that if 80% of our population disappeared, the remainder would be so upset that you caused them to disappear that they would sell Canada to one of your most hated enemies. Would you prefer Afghanistan to be your neighbour to the north?

Posted By: Dave

Posted On: May 20, 2004
Views: 1290
RE: The most ovious one

Yeah i would prefer that. Then our troops would only have to drive across the boarder to whoop some ass. Would save on battle ships and what have you.

Posted By: Aurora

Posted On: May 20, 2004
Views: 1288
RE: The most ovious one

Fair enough.

Be forwarned however, Canada is a vast country, hide and seek would not be easy.

Posted By: Beerliquor

Posted On: May 21, 2004
Views: 1286
RE: The most ovious one

Why hate Canada? I don't get it!

Posted By: Kiki Dee

Posted On: May 21, 2004
Views: 1282
RE: The most ovious one

Yeah, having Afganistan next door would be a REALLY good idea, Dave. Yeah, we wouldn't have to go far to kick some ass, but neither would they. Ever think of that? Those people are sick. They are religious fanatics, and they wouldn't think twice about killing the children of someone who doesn't believe in their god. I'm sure that some of them are good, and only want freedom, but from the way our soldiers are being treated over there, I wouldn't say so.

What's that? Oh, those Afgani prisoners who were abused and piled up in a naked pyramid? Yeah, that was sick. Our soldiers shouldn't have done that, and the ones who did should be severely punished. But those prisoners aren't hard working people who just want to make a living and support their families like you and I. They are rapists, murderers, and child molesters. They are cowards. They won't fight if it's fair, they would rather ambush our troops.

I think I'll stick with our friendly Canadian neighbors. They're just alright with me.

Posted By: BakaKage

Posted On: May 21, 2004
Views: 1275
RE: The most ovious one

Well, if the afghans did move into canada, i would probably move somewhere north...not the highest north, maybe like south dakotaish. So if they made it that far, it would be declared a war and i would have full right to sit inside my heavily fortified house and pick off guys with a sniper rifle :D Ah...if only i could have a good excuse to kill without having my conscience plagued or be put in jail :(

Posted By: Aurora

Posted On: May 21, 2004
Views: 1271
RE: The most ovious one

Baka, your interest in killing is disturbing. If I administered your truth serum to you, and asked if you would kill if you could get away with it, what would you say?

If you responded “yes” would that be enough for me to put you away? After all, what better way to end crime than to stop it before it starts.

Posted By: YotSot

Posted On: May 21, 2004
Views: 1267
RE: The most ovious one


You need to stop. You have singlehandedly sapped all the fun out of this post board. Every response you write is of the same basic model: "Look how smart I am!" Seriously, go make a baby. You'll be happier (since you'll have a legitimate person to 'baby'), and we'll be happier (since you won't have time to write all the oddTodd clogging tripe that we have to read). I'm serious. You are comedy brake fluid.

Posted By: shadrak

Posted On: May 21, 2004
Views: 1262
RE: The most ovious one

one thing bout the prisoner abuse scandal.... who really cares? watch "algerian war" (i think that is title)..and may want to not here guys that saddam's son uday..headed a state run rape team in iraq raping supposed "traitors" 's wives and daughters etc..or do you want to talk about the child cells they had etc? the prisoner abuse thing...i dont blame those soldiers...they are sick but..after seeing those guys killed in faluja or whatever.. with iraqi children celebrating etc....i really dont think they are that bad.... i also note that i would have, if had chance, lobbed a grenade at those celebrating kids.....what they horrible....

Posted By: BakaKage

Posted On: May 21, 2004
Views: 1251
RE: The most ovious one

Those soldiers sunk to the level of the people they were fighting. If you are going to do the same things, then what right do you have to be over there kicking the other people out. Granted, the iraqi regime was severely f***ed up, but thats no reason to go and do the same to them. ESPECIALLY when doing so puts others in danger. It creates more hatred towards americans. 5 people can plague the beliefs of others about the whole nation. (granted, there were a lot more than 5 people doing this) but their actions were in short stupid. They give our enemies excuses for what they do. And give the enemies support. I don't know about you but from what i have seen enough people hate america as is without our soldiers abusing others. That breaks laws, "cruel and unusual punishment" and if we wont do that to our own people, but we do it to other counties people...that makes us look horrible. There is enough hatred in this world as is. We dont need to be adding to it.

Posted By: Dave

Posted On: May 21, 2004
Views: 1247
RE: The most ovious one

I am not sticking up for the actions comitted but at the same token, It kinda shows them the pain and what have you that they inflicted. I mean it shows them how it feels. They opressed many people and tourtured them and what have you. Its kinda cool to know that they are being treated in the same fasion. I am for Eye for an eye punishment. If you kill someone, you should be killed ect. If you beat the hell out of someone, you should be beat in retaliation. It shows you the pain that you have inflicted.

Posted By: Dr. Zhivago

Posted On: May 22, 2004
Views: 1245
RE: The most ovious one

I couldn't resist. My fingers tingled when I read all of the American propaganda posted here. Same old rhetoric you guys have clung to for years. You are the greatest country in the world, blah blah blah. It's really too bad that you don't actually KNOW anything about the other countries. You find silly ways to justify RAPING prisoners of war. Did you realize that you actually participated in the Geneva Convention? But that was years ago, and you are so much more advanced now. Reminds me of your brainstorm which resulted in the League of Nations that you started but didn't even join. Do you really think that the other countries in the world (that are too numerous to list) hate you because they are jealous of your power? That is the only reasonable excuse I could give for your general denial of this fact. They hate you because you stick your fingers where they don't belong and you better wake up because you are getting burned pretty bad at the moment. Do you think that the hatred directed towards you is temporary? As soon as you turn over power in Iraq the world will love you? I would not want to be an American overseas right now....but you keep on thinking that Nick Berg was just an anomaly, it was just a rouge group of dissidents. That will happen to any one of you. But hey, if you really enjoy playing concentration camp with a bunch of naked Iraqis, go ahead. I hope you have the time of your life playing with their little willies.

Posted By: Matt

Posted On: May 22, 2004
Views: 1237
RE: The most ovious one

Thankyou YotSot, I've been preaching that for weeks. I like Canada and I have many Canadian friends. I don't like butt pirates like Aurora and Dr.**** face who are totally ignorant about everything. Ofcourse you all dont need a military, any attack on North American would be an attack on America! Canada would probably send a medic and 5 some soldiers to help. Assholes. If you live in America and you dont appreciate it then get the **** out, and Aurora **** off and go make babies or something you tit.

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