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Posted By: BakaKage

Posted On: May 21, 2004
Views: 715
Todd was on TV today!

yeah, Todd did a guest interview on Unscrewed (TechTV late night) Unfortunantely didn't learn much of anything new, the host was all wondering about stuff we all know well enough. :/ But i gotta say, im so used to seeing the cartoon that seeing him in person...he dont look like what i expected. Oh well. GJ getting on the show tho todd. Pretty much only guests they have are conspiracy theorists and porn stars. Ah...the porn stars :D Its fun when i see people from sites i know on that show. Todd, you should have given us all a heads up though. So we all could have watched.

Posted By: Nik Ashmost

Posted On: May 22, 2004
Views: 705
RE: Todd was on TV today!

I believe there was a head's up when that was new awhile ago. What you saw was a re-run.

Posted By: BakaKage

Posted On: May 22, 2004
Views: 702
RE: Todd was on TV today!

Lol, like any of us watch TechTV late night :P Ill watch Xplay, but most of the rest sucks. "ROBOT WARS" nothing says fun like a bunch of british guys who slap a motor on a toilet paper roll and call it a robot. BattleBots actually had some good machines, but thier lightweights could take out even the heaviest most powerful enemy from robot wars. I only have seen unscrewed like 2-3 times so its all new to me.

Posted By: Beerliquor

Posted On: May 22, 2004
Views: 695
RE: Todd was on TV today!

Never even heard of Unscrewed! I would have liked to have seen Todd though!