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Post InfoTOPIC: I know ill regret this...
Posted By: BakaKage

Posted On: May 22, 2004
Views: 700
I know ill regret this...

Well, i know i (and im sure perv) would like to see what the other people on this board look like. Its so much easier to yell at someone when you can imagine the look on thier face :D And i kinda got this sparked by auroras comment that during the last lightning storm she thought she should be having an orgasm. i kinda wanna know whether that should be considered hot...or if having seen her we would try to blur that image out of memory. (dont worry, im pretty ass ugly so im sure everyone will try blurring me out)

Anyone have pics? I just got a website posted for me trying to get jobs, has a number of pics of me (they all professionally done...:/ so if you got links or whatever post em

Hmm...i probably shouldn't post mine here because it has personal contact not sure if i would want enemies getting a hold of that! lol. (been in trouble for that before) if you wanna know the link ask me and i can e-mail it to you or whatever.

Posted By: Aurora

Posted On: May 22, 2004
Views: 697
RE: I know ill regret this...

I am only willing to do this because very few people will see this before the next poll goes up.

If you are really that interested, give me your email and I will send you a link. I don't have a problem showing who I am, I just don't want to have to defend that it really is my picture to people who are not exactly my fans.

Posted By: BakaKage

Posted On: May 22, 2004
Views: 695
RE: I know ill regret this...

*eyebrows raise* oh, a cutie hunh? This i gotta see :D

Posted By: Dave

Posted On: May 23, 2004
Views: 685
RE: I know ill regret this...

I am willing to put my picture up here. I dont care. My email is I would like to see who I am yelling at aurora. Send me the link. I will reply with mine.

Posted By: shadrak

Posted On: May 23, 2004
Views: 681
RE: I know ill regret this...

I would rather not go with pic...i am 6'1.. 220 pounds... brown hair, eyes... dutch/irish.. thats all i say..oh wait ..i also have a big mole on back of neck

Posted By: BakaKage

Posted On: May 23, 2004
Views: 678
RE: I know ill regret this...

Why no pic? just the 220? you a featherweight. I was up to 280 a little while ago, down to 265 now. im still a HELLA lot heavier than you.

Posted By: Dr. Zhivago

Posted On: May 23, 2004
Views: 674
RE: I know ill regret this...

Considering what I posted two weeks ago on the TV board, I was actually very curious as to what Aurora looks like. If you want to send a link for me, I can be reached at