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Posted By: Sinister_X

Posted On: Dec 9, 2004
Views: 689
He does have a point...

ok after looking at this from both sides heres what i think Telekinesis sounds great. being able to do it sounds even greater. and to tell you the truth after i watched a video where the guy spins his pinwheel under a glass i was very convinced was completly convinced it was real. Keith congrats on pointing out some stuff that i didint notice for one the pinwheel was made of aluminum which meant that magnets could easly be involoved and it was on a cork instead of a pin. at first i didnt realize it but why would they use a cork simple becuase if they used magnits the pin would nock over or the wheel would easly fall off. also the fact of this million dolloers is a big point, i mean think about it whether your greedy or not you still could use the money. or if you are positive you dont want the money at least donate is to charity and prove to the world that it exists.

However it seems to me kieth that the manner you approch these sites is somewhat aggresive and dont want to give them a chance to answer instead of saying "HA any kid could do that thats obviusly fake!." say " would you give a demonstration under this cercumstance (whatever you want them to do)." and perhaps be a little open minded to people let them attempt to prove them self. and tell them why you dont beleive that video. do you see where im going with this. if you are rude you can expect people to be rude back to you or just plain ignore you.

Posted By: Jay

Posted On: Dec 16, 2004
Views: 679
RE: He does have a point...

Yes I agree with SinisterX, it would be great if you could point out what might be faked in the TK videos found on the web when expressing a judgement towards the site which hosts it/them.

Posted By: Martial_Artist

Posted On: Dec 29, 2004
Views: 661
RE: He does have a point...

People...there could be hundreds of ways to fake those vids. Those vids are not made for sceptict to prove that TK Exists. It is made for people who are interested in it, and give tk a change and want to learn it themselves. The video's are made to inspire and motivate others, so they continue their practise.

And about that 1 million dolar offer for someone to show him that paranormal exists...the guy is fake himself...I know several guys who have emailed him and said that they would be willing to prove paranormal (TK in this case) and they got: 1. Or no response, or 2: they got a very polite response..where he was very interested in the person who could show it to him, and he said to make an appointment..but never did. The guy gets thousands of offers of people who want to show him something...but he does not let them show in the end he can say: you see? no-one could prove it exists. The guy is a fake.



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